The proposed management areas have been ordered clockwise by bioregion (IBRA Regions Version 5.0; Peters and Thackway, 1998), starting with the King bioregion, then Northern Slopes, Flinders, Ben Lomond, South East, Southern Ranges and West. Individual management areas are coded alphanumerically within each bioregion. Maps are presented at a scale of 1:100,000 for each of the areas outside the WHA, while those areas within the WHA have been amalgamated into a single map.
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Appendix 5 which contains maps can be viewed below.
Appendix 5 MapsMap Legend
Site Code: BL1 Proposed Management Area: Mt Pearson Bioregion: Ben Lomond Site Code: BL2 Proposed Management Area: Mt Echo Bioregion: Ben Lomon Site Code: BL3 Proposed Management Area: Avenue River Bioregion: Ben Lomond Site Code: BL4 Proposed Management Area: German Town Bioregion: Ben Lomond Site Code: BL5 Proposed Management Area: Dukes Marsh Bioregion: Ben Lomond Site Code: BL6 Proposed Management Area: Pepper Hill (Mangana) Bioregion: Ben Lomond Site Code: BL7 Proposed Management Area: Golden Gate Rd (Mathinna) Bioregion: Ben Lomond Site Code: F1 Proposed Management Area: Five-mile Bluff Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F2 Proposed Management Area: Single Tree Plain Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F3 Proposed Management Area: Waterhouse Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F4 Proposed Management Area: Badger Hill Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F5 Proposed Management Area: Little Boobyalla Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F6 Proposed Management Area: Musselroe Bay Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F7 Proposed Management Area: Mt William (western extension) Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F8 Proposed Management Area: The Gardens Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F9 Proposed Management Area: Wingaroo (south) Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F10 Proposed Management Area: Northern Patriarchs Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F11 Proposed Management Area: Loila Tier Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F12 Proposed Management Area: Lefroy Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F13 Proposed Management Area: Clarke Island Bioregion: Flinders Site Code: F14 Proposed Management Area: Georges River Bioregion: Flinders
| Site Code: K1 Proposed Management Area: Seventeen Mile Plain Bioregion: King Site Code: K2 Proposed Management Area: Arthur-Frankland 'wedge' Bioregion: King Site Code: K3 Proposed Management Area: Rocky Cape (Two Sisters) Bioregion: King Site Code: K4 Proposed Management Area: Shakespeare Hills Bioregion: King Site Code: K5 Proposed Management Area: Hunter Island Bioregion: King Site Code: NS1 Proposed Management Area: Dip Range Bioregion: Northern Slopes Site Code: NS2 Proposed Management Area: Gog Range Bioregion: Northern Slopes Site Code: NS3 Proposed Management Area: Dans Hill Bioregion: Northern Slopes Site Code: SE1 Proposed Management Area: Chuckle Head Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE2 Proposed Management Area: Church Hill Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE3a Proposed Management Area: Cape Raoul/Shipstern Bluff Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE3b Proposed Management Area: Tunnel Bay/Curio Bay Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE4 Proposed Management Area: Cape Pillar Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE5 Proposed Management Area: Maria Island Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE6a Proposed Management Area: Hazards Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE6b Proposed Management Area: Cooks-Bryans Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE7 Proposed Management Area: Apsley Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE8 Proposed Management Area: Blindburn Creek Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE9 Proposed Management Area: Douglas-Apsley (southwest) Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE10 Proposed Management Area: Hardings Falls Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE11 Proposed Management Area: Nichols Cape Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE12 Proposed Management Area: Douglas-Apsley (northeast) Bioregion: South East Site Code: SE13 Proposed Management Area: Weilangta Hill Bioregion: South East | Site Code: SR1 Proposed Management Area: Snug Tiers Bioregion: Southern Ranges Site Code: SR2 Proposed Management Area: Cape Labillardiere Peninsula Bioregion: Southern Ranges Site Code: SR3 Proposed Management Area: West Cloudy Head Bioregion: Southern Ranges Site Code: SR4 Proposed Management Area: Tasman Head Bioregion: Southern Ranges Site Code: SR5 Proposed Management Area: Southport Bluff Bioregion: Southern Ranges Site Code: SR6 Proposed Management Area: Southeast (WHA) Bioregion: Southern Ranges Site Code: SR7 Proposed Management Area: Upper Picton (WHA) Bioregion: Southern Ranges Site Code: SR8 Proposed Management Area: New River (WHA) Bioregion: Southern Ranges Site Code: SR9 Proposed Management Area: Vale of Rasselas (WHA) Bioregion: Southern Ranges Site Code: W1 Proposed Management Area: Dempster Plains Bioregion: West Site Code: W2 Proposed Management Area: Burgess Hill Bioregion: West Site Code: W3 Proposed Management Area: Old River (south) Bioregion: West Site Code: W4 Proposed Management Area: Old River (north) Bioregion: West Site Code: W5 Proposed Management Area: South West Cape Bioregion: West Site Code: W6 Proposed Management Area: Davey Head Bioregion: West Site Code: W7 Proposed Management Area: North Port Davey Bioregion: West Site Code: W8 Proposed Management Area: Gallagher Plateau Bioregion: West Site Code: W9 Proposed Management Area: Greater Lake Pedder Bioregion: West Site Code: W10 Proposed Management Area: Albert & Orange Rivers Bioregion: West Site Code: W11 Proposed Management Area: Gordon north Bioregion: West Site Code: W12 Proposed Management Area: Maxwell Bioregion: West Site Code: W13 Proposed Management Area: Frenchmans Bioregion: West Site Code: W14 Proposed Management Area: Farm Cove Bioregion: West |