Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania

​​​​​​​Note: changes made to plant Import Requirements between editions of the Plant Biosecurity Manual are detailed on our webpage Import Requirement Changes.

​​The Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania

The Tasmanian Plant Biosecurity Manual (PBMTas) exists to help importers, exporters and the broader public understand the current requirements for the import of plants, plant products, and other related restricted matter authorised by the Biosecurity Act 2019 (Tasmania).

The PBMTas is enforced as conditions on the import of restricted matter by Group Permit (section 110 of the Act).

Each new edition is likely to contain changes to some import requirements so, if you do download the Manual or any extract from it (from below), please check that the hard copy you are using is the current edition.

In most cases, changes to import requirements are minor and will come into effect as the next edition of PBMTas is published. However, there may be rare occasions when we have to make changes to import requirements that necessarily come into effect immediately. We will be posting any such changes on this web page. If you use the PBMTas regularly, please bookmark this page so that you will be aware of any such emergency declarations.

Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania 2024 Edition, Version 1

  Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania   (2Mb)

Tasmanian Plant Pest (and Disease) Listings 

In Tasmania, plant pest (and disease) declaration changes are made under The Biosecurity Act 2019 and the Biosecurity Regulations 2022.  

Pests (and diseases) are categorised according to Biosecurity Tasmania’s plant biosecurity three tier pest categorisation system of (1) Prohibited Pests, (2) Declared Pests, and Restricted Pests and (3) Non Quarantine Pests. ​Categorisation of a pest (or disease) is commensurate to the risk that pest presents to Tasmania (as assessed under Biosecurity Tasmania's Risk Analysis Framework).

The declaration status of any given Tasmanian plant biosecurity pest or disease of concern can change at any time because the pest is either:

  1. ​newly declared (in response to a new pest outbreak in Australia, and/or recommendation from pest risk analysis of import biosecurity matter); or
  2. amended in scientific name in published literature; or
  3. altered in terms of their List status (as to whether it is a Prohibited Pest, Declared Pest or Restricted Pest); or
  4. revoked from declaration entirely because the pest has established in Tasmania and is not controlled in its distribution and is identified as spreading naturally within the state to the potential limits of its biogeographic range.​

​You can find the lists of prohibited, restricted and declared pests (and diseases) and other biosecurity matter in the Tasmanian Biosecurity Compendium

The following attachment provides a summary listing of all plant pest (and disease) declaration changes since January 2006 (prior to May 2023 these were declared under the Plant Quarantine Act 1997)

 Summary Table Of Tasmanian Quarantine Pest Declarations  (PDF 2Mb)

​Further information:

Biosecurity Forms - Once you have worked out which import requirements apply in your case you can get the relevant forms online.

Please send enquiries or feedback about the Plant Biosecurity Manual to


Biosecurity Enquiries