Import Requirements Summary for Commonly Imported Plants or Plant Products
Most plants, plant products or other restricted matter imported into the State must meet one or more Import Requirements (IRs), as summarised in Import Requirement Index tables, Tables 2–4 of the Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania
Please note:
The following IR Index Tables, Tables 2–4, which apply to the 2023 Edition Version 2 of the Manual:
- Summarise the Import Requirements (Conditions and Restrictions) that apply to a wide range of selected plants, plant products and other restricted matter;
- The tables do not represent an exhaustive reference list. Rather, the tables focus on those commodities and materials that are commonly imported on a regular basis that may also represent a potential biosecurity risk to the State
- If an importer is wishing to import restricted matter (including plants or plant products) into Tasmania that is not listed in the IR Index Tables, please contact Biosecurity Tasmania for further information as shown in the Biosecurity Tasmania contacts page, Section 1.1 of this Manual;
- The IR Index Tables specify some of the main disease and/or pest risks of biosecurity concern for Tasmania that are associated with each of these selected plants, plant products and other restricted matter.
As stated in
Section 2.1 - General Warnings (PBMTas 2023 Edition), the following actions will be taken with any non-compliance with an Import Requirement:
- All restricted matter (including plants and plant products) is subject to inspection on arrival (see Section 2.7 of the Manual), and if necessary subject to treatment, re-export or destruction as appropriate.
- Any imported item that is inspected and found to be contaminated with soil or other restricted matter will be held and directed either for treatment, re-export or destruction.
Table No.
| Content
| Pest and Disease Name Key
| Index of Import Requirements (IR) for Fruit, Vegetables, Plants and/or Flowers
| Index of Import Requirements (IR) for Seeds and Grains
Explanatory notes:
Table 2: The plants, plant products or other restricted matter listed in the first column of Table 2, must not be imported without being treated in accordance with the corresponding import restriction(s) listed in either the second column for ‘fruits and vegetables’, or the fourth column for ‘plants and flowers’.
Table 3: The plants, plant products or other restricted matter listed in the first column of Table 3, must not be imported without being treated in accordance with the corresponding import restriction(s) listed in the second column of the table.
Table 4: The plants, plant products or other restricted matter listed in the first column of Table 4, must not be imported without being treated in accordance with the corresponding import restriction(s) listed in the second column of the table.
Table 1:
Pest and Disease Name Key for Tables 2-4 BW Bacterial Wilt
CB Chickpea Blight
DW Declared Weeds
EHB European House Borer
FB Fire Blight
GMP Genetically Modified Plants
GP Grape Phylloxera
IYSV Iris Yellow Spot Virus
LA Lupin Anthracnose
MFF Mediterranean Fruit Fly
MR Myrtle Rust
NS Nursery Stock
OS Onion Smut
PCN Potato Cyst Nematode
PW Pea Weevil
QFF Queensland Fruit Fly
RIFA Red Imported Fire Ant
RN Ryegrass Nematode
SLW Silverleaf Whitefly
TPP Tomato Potato Psyllid
TYLCV Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus