Small Weight Seed Imports

For more information on becoming a Tasmanian Approved Seed Supplier or Tasmanian Approved Seed Importer, please contact

The Small Weight Seed Imports program allows small weight seed lots of 1kg or less to be imported into Tasmania without a Seed Analysis (Import Requirement 36 I(b)). 
Businesses, organisations and individuals wishing to supply small weight seed lots into Tasmania can apply to be listed as a Tasmanian Approved Seed Supplier (TASS). Alternatively, businesses, organisations and individuals wishing to import small weight seed lots into Tasmania can apply to be listed as a Tasmanian Approved Seed Importer (TASI). 
This program does not cover the import of small weight seed lots for the purposes of research. Importers seeking to import small weight seed lots for research must apply for an individual permit.


The Small Weight Seed Imports program recognises the capability and willingness of certain businesses, organisations, private suppliers and importers to share responsibility for managing risks posed by weeds, pests and diseases that may be introduced into Tasmania via small quantities of imported seed. The program assesses attributes such as qualifications, production practices, quality control systems and other protocols which reduce these risks. 
The Approved Suppliers and Approved Importers Lists are maintained in confidence; however, importers may confirm with Biosecurity Tasmania whether a particular supplier is on the Approved Suppliers List. 

Tasmanian Approved Seed Supplier (TASS) 

A Tasmanian Approved Seed Supplier is generally a business or organisation located in mainland Australian or overseas that distributes seed in small quantities, and which has production practices, quality control systems or other protocols that reduce the chance of weed seeds, pests and disease being present in seed lots to a level acceptable to the Tasmanian Government.
Those on the Approved Supplier List can supply to anyone within Tasmania. 

Tasmanian Approved Seed Importer (TASI) 

A Tasmanian Approved Seed Importer (TASI) is recognised as having the ability and means to examine seed for identity, homogeneity, seed condition and presence of material of potential Biosecurity concern. In doing this, a TASI shares the responsibility for managing risks posed by weeds, pests and diseases that may be introduced into Tasmania via small quantities of imported seed.

Those on the Approved Importer List are able to purchase from anyone, regardless of if they are a TASS. ​

Working in unison to safeguard Tasmania

The Approved Supplier List and Approved Importer List are complementary. While anyone may import seed of 1kg or less without a Statement of Seed Analysis from an Approved Supplier, importers who wish to obtain seed from other sources must become an Approved Importer. The Lists of Approved Suppliers and Approved Importers operate together to help safeguard Tasmania from declared weed, pest and disease incursions.

Historically, Biosecurity Tasmania inspected small quantities of seed upon arrival in the State, however the implementation of this program means the need to inspect small weight seed lots on arrival is substantially reduced. Apart from periodic verification (audit) inspections, seed obtained from an Approved Supplier or consigned to an Approved Importer will not generally be subject to examination by Biosecurity Tasmania for weed seed, pests and disease presence. 

While supplying and importing seed under this program provides alternatives to the Statement of Seed Analysis, it does not remove the obligation of seed lots of 1kg or less to comply with all other conditions set out in IR36 and any other IRs where applicable.

Stateme​nt​​ of Seed Analysis

Import Requirement 36 – Seed for Sowing (IR36) of Tasmania’s Plant Biosecurity Manual sets out conditions that apply to all seed imported into Tasmania under the Biosecurity Act 2019

A condition in IR36 states that importers must provide a Statement of Seed Analysis, issued by an accredited seed testing laboratory, to Biosecurity Tasmania. The Statement must certify the seed as being free of species that are Declared Weeds in Tasmania. 

In some circumstances, obtaining a Statement of Seed Analysis for small quantities of seed may be difficult. Becoming a Tasmanian Approved Seed Supplier or Tasmanian Approved Seed Importer are two alternatives to a Statement of Seed Analysis available under IR36 to Tasmanian importers who wish to import seed (of a single line) in quantities of 1kg or less.​

How to Apply

For more information on becoming a Tasmanian Approved Seed Supplier or a Tasmanian Approved Seed Importer, please contact

 Tasmanian Approved Seed Importers application (PDF 196Kb)

 Tasmanian Approved Seed Supplier application (PDF 208Kb)

Approval: If the applicant is successful in applying to become a TASS or TASI, they will receive a letter stating their approval status and approval number. The applicant must wait for confirmation of approval before sending small seed lots into Tasmania under IR36(II)(b).

Notice of Intention (NoI) requirements:  once approved the business or individual must provide an NoI to at least 24 hours prior to importation of small seed lots under 1kg into Tasmania. NoI forms can be found here.

​Requesting Information

​The Approved Suppliers and Approved Importers Lists are maintained in confidence; however, importers may confirm with Biosecurity Tasmania wheter a particular supplier is on the Approved Supplier List.

For further information contact

​Market Access (Plant Biosecurity)

Phone: 03 6478 4138



Biosecurity Enquiries