Product Integrity

​​​​​​​Ensuring food produced in Tasmania's primary production and processing sectors is safe to eat is an important step in ensuring the wellbeing of consumers. 

It is also important to the protection of Tasmania's reputation as a producer of safe and clean food to allow ongoing market access and premium prices for Tasmania products.

In this topic

  • Tasmanian Primary Produce Traceability Strategy
    The Strategy will guide the development and delivery of Tasmania’s primary produce traceability arrangements, and in turn, support growth along the entire supply chain in those relevant industry sectors. Public Comments on the Draft Strategy closed on 30 September 2022
  • Food Safety
    Ensuring food produced in Tasmania's primary production and processing sectors is safe to eat is an important step in ensuring the wellbeing of consumers.
  • Tasmanian Seed Services
    ISTA and OECD internationally accredited seed testing and certification.