In 2009 the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment published a
discussion paper entitled
Primary Industries Food Safety Legislation - Discussion Paper - March 2009.The Discussion Paper sought comment in relation to proposals to consolidate the regulatory framework for primary food production in Tasmania.
Following receipt of feedback from a range of interested stakeholders the Tasmanian Government prepared draft legislation which was passed by Parliament in September 2011. The
Primary Produce Safety Act 2011 can be accessed via the Tasmanian Legislation website.
The new legislation:
- allows the regulation of higher risk products such as meat, eggs and seafood in a consistent and effective manner across those sectors;
- establishes the position of Chief Inspector of Primary Produce Food Safety, with this officer to be the key decision maker under the new legislation;
- allows for the creation of industry specific regulations to bring new National primary production and processing standards into force;
- uses regulations to bring primary industry sectors within the scope of the Act and create industry specific offences and allow these regulations to mandate whether a business needs to be accredited to carry out a particular primary production activity;
- repeals the
Meat Hygiene Act 1985 and
Egg Industry Act 2002; and
- allows the Tasmanian Dairy Industry Authority (TDIA) to regulate dairy food safety under the new legislation should it decide to do so in the future.
For more detailed information on the Act, please refer to the
Fact Sheet document. The Act will commence on proclamation once regulations for the meat, seafood, dairy, seed sprout and egg industry sectors are finalised.
Background Information:
Accredited Fees and Charges
See also:Food Standards Australia New Zealand:
Primary Production and Processing StandardsFood Regulation Secretariat: