The Tasmanian Biosecurity Compendium

​​​​​​​​​​​​These webpages form the basis of the Tasmanian biosecurity compendium and house​ the information and regulatory listings required of the Tasmanian Government in section 9 of the Biosecurity Act 2019 (the Act).

The biosecurity compendium ​houses lists of permitted matter, restricted matter, prohibited matter and declared pests and diseases as defined by the Act and the Biosecurity Regulations 2022. It also houses Group Permits issued under section 110​ of the Act, and an archive of any Tasmanian Gazette notices within which biosecurity matter has been declared under the Act. 

If you wish to​ find the regulatory status of a specific commodity and it is not listed within the biosecurity compendium, it is classed as restricted matter by default until risk assessed by Biosecurity Tasmania.​​​

For current import requirements and conditions, please go to one of the following documents as appropriate:

In this topic

  • Biosecurity Matter Listings
    Lists of biosecurity matter that are divided into 4 catagories: permitted matter; restricted matter; prohibited matter; and declar​ed p​ests and diseases.
  • Group Permits
    Find all the group permits that are current and listed within the Biosecurity Act 2019.
  • Tasmanian Gazette Notices
    An archive for all Tasmanian Gazette notices issued that declared or prescibe biosecurity matter within the definitions of the Biosecurity Act 2019 and/or the Biosecurtiy Regulations 2022.
  • Resources and information
    Information and useful links for about the regulatory resquirements of specific commmodities.
  • General Biosecurity Directions
    Current General Biosecurity Directions

​The biosecurity compendium will be reviewed and updated on a continuing basis and future versions of the biosecurity compendium will include more extensive information on Tasmania’s biosecurity system and import requirements. ​​​


Biosecurity Tasmania