A general biosecurity direction is a direction that applies to the public generally or to a specified class of persons. A general biosecurity direction may be issued by publication on the NRE Tas website or in the Tasmanian Government Gazette. It is an offence for a person to contravene a biosecurity direction (penalty of 2500 penalty units for a body corporate and 500 penalty units for a natural person).
Below is a compiled list of all current general biosecurity directions that have been issued under section 192 of the Biosecurity Act 2019 and are currently in force. An archive of general biosecurity directions that have been issued but are no longer in force is also provided.
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in South Australia - General Biosecurity Direction (Emergency)
Due to the detection of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) in South Australia, Biosecurity Tasmania's Chief Plant Protection Officer has put in place an emergency biosecurity direction to prevent the movement of ToBRFV host plants or materials from areas known to be infected with the virus. This emergency biosecurity direction is in addition to the movement controls that the Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) has already put in place at infected properties in South Australia.
General Biosecurity Direction Emergency Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (PDF 137Kb)
Bees, Apiary Products and Used Apiary Equipment - General Biosecurity Direction (Emergency)
Due to the ongoing response to Varroa mite (Varroa destructor)
in NSW, the General Manager - Biosecurity Tasmania has put in place
an extension to General Biosecurity Direction (Emergency) to further
prevent the introduction of this honeybee parasite into Tasmania.
This direction is in effect from 12 am Tuesday 7 January 2025 and remains in effect for 6 months, unless it is revoked earlier.
General Biosecurity Direction Emergency Bees and apiary products used equipment (PDF 171Kb)
Livestock Traceability
The Chief Veterinary Officer has determined that the current risk
posed to Tasmania from foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease
requires the issue of a General Biosecurity Direction requiring the
owners of sheep and goats to notify the National Livestock
Identification System (NLIS) database and in the case of pigs, Pig Pass,
of the movements of their animals.
NOTE: it is an offence under section 200 of the Biosecurity Act 2019 to not comply with a Biosecurity Direction that is in force.
General Biosecurity Direction - Livestock Traceability (PDF 409Kb) (issued 06/07/2022 - extended to 06/07/2023)
The Animal Health (Apiaries) Regulations 2011 expired on 26 December 2021.
Transitional arrangements under the Biosecurity Act 2019,
known as a General Biosecurity Direction (BD), have been put in place
to extend the current Regulation requirements, while Tasmanian
beekeepers have an opportunity to register under new compulsory registration arrangements.
General Biosecurity Direction (Apiaries) 15.12.22 (PDF 79Kb) (issued 15/12/2022, expires 15/12/2027)
Expired Directions
General Biosecurity Direction - Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease - Issued 13/07/2022, expired 13/01/2023
General Biosecurity Direction - Small Hive Beetle - issued 8/03/2023, expired 21/04/2023
General Biosecurity Direction - Small Hive Beetle - issued 29/11/2023, revoked 22/04/2024
General Biosecurity Direction - Potato virus Y NTN Strain - issued 31/03/2023, expired 30/09/2023