Group Permits

​​​​​​​​​​Various types of permit may be issued under the Biosecurity Act 2019 ​(the Act) by a 'relevant decision-maker'. One such permit is a gro​up permit granted ​under Section​ 110 of the Act.

​Below is a compiled list of all current group permits that have been granted under section 110 of the Act, and may be used by any relevant group, or class, of persons as defined within the Act​.

​​​Current Group Pe​rmits​

 Group permit Alkaloid Poppy Seeds (PDF 123Kb)

 Group Permit Industrial Hemp  (PDF 96Kb)

 Group Permit Indian (Industrial) Hemp Seeds  (PDF 96Kb)

 Group Permit Oyster Movements 13 February 2024 (PDF 157Kb)​

 Group Permit - Import Plants Plant Products & Horticultural Material (Plant Biosecurity Manual Tasmania) (PDF 149Kb)

 Group Permit for the Continuation of Special Authorities issued after 2 November 2022 (PDF 115Kb)

 Group Permit Import Animals, Animal Products and Animal Fittings (Tasmanian Animal Biosecurity Manual) (PDF 1Mb)

 Group permit Undaria pinnatifida (PDF 120Kb)

 Group Permit Approved Method of Carcass Disposal as part of a Deer Control Project - Aerial Shooting (PDF 161Kb)​

 Group Permit Bird and Marine Mammal Samples from Outside Australia (PDF 125Kb)​

 Group Permit - Import of Restricted Matter - Garlic sourced outside Australia (PDF 155Kb)​

​If you would like to enquire about the granting, variation, or renewal of a group permit, please contact Biosecurity Tasmania.


Biosecurity Tasmania (Biosecurity) Enquiries

13 St. Johns Avenue,
New Town, TAS, 7008.
Fax: 03 6173 0225