Household Items, Clothing, Recreational and Apiary Equipment

​​Many of these items have the potential to host unwanted pest and diseases. Whether it's in the mud on your mountain bike, in the plant material on your hiking clothes and gear, or within the timber of an imported wooden chair. Pests and diseases found on or in these items could have a major impact on our environment if they enter our state.

We all have a general biosecurity duty​ to protect our primary industries, environment and way of life from harmful pests, weeds and diseases. Check that the items you wish to bring or import into Tasmania are allowed entry, and ensure that all items have been thoroughly cleaned to remove potential contaminants. ​​​​​​

Household items and clothing

Examples: Mowers, whipper snippers, gardening tools & pots, clothing, footwear, refrigerators​, freezers.

Allowed if: Washed to remove any trace of soil, seeds, plant material, food or other debris.

Not permitted entry: If contaminated with plant material, seed or soil.

Extra Tip: If the equipment has not been adequately cleaned, treatment will be required to remove soil at owner's 

Declare the item? Yes
Inspection required? On request

For further enquiries:

Recreational equipment

Examples: Golf Clubs, bags, buggies and golf shoes.
Camping equipment including tents, tarps, and fixtures.
Hiking equipment including hiking boots, packs, trekking poles and fixtures.
Sports shoes and equipment used for outdoor activities.

Allowed if: Washed to remove any trace of soil, seeds, plant material or other debris.

Not permitted entry: Equipment is contaminated with plant material, seeds or soil.
Extra Tip: If the equipment has not been adequately cleaned, treatment will be required to remove soil at owner's 

If you are moving to Tasmania, please see moving to Tasmania / you will need:
Declare the item? Yes
Inspection required? On request

For further enquiries:

Diving and fishing gear

Examples: Fishing equipment including rods and tackle, fish bins, catch bags, gumboots, waders.
Diving equipment including tanks, diving hoses, wetsuits, masks, and flippers.

Allowed if: Fully cleaned, drained and dry, free of organic material.

Not permitted entry: If equipment is dirty, wet or any trace of aquatic life/other debris is present.

Extra Tip: If your diving or fishing gear has not been adequately cleaned, you will be directed to an approved wash bay. A fee for service may apply.
Declare the item? Yes, a Declaration Form must be completed and presented on arrival into Tasmania.
​Inspection required? Yes​

For further information and recommendations for cleaning of vessels and fishing equipment:
For further enquiries:

Apiary equipment​

Examples: Suits, veils, gloves and tools.

Allowed if: Brand new and un-used.

Not Permitted Entry: Used equipment.

Due to the ongoing response to Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) in NSW, the Tasmanian Chief Plant Protection Officer has put in place a general biosecurity direction (emergency) to further prevent the introduction of this honeybee parasite into Tasmania. The general biosecurity direction​ can be found here: General Biosecurity Direction (Emergency) Honey Bees

For further information:

Rules​ for Moving Bees, Apiary Products and Used Apiary Equipment | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania

For further information:
Please contact Senior Biosecurity Officer (Apiary Biosecurity) Julie Lupia
Mobile: 0467 805 968


Biosecurity Tasmania