Template: Coastal Risk Management Plan

A Coastal Risk Management Plan Template, with supporting Guidelines, has been produced for use by local planners and managers to assist in managing risks to assets in the coastal zone vulnerable to sea-level rise. In addition a Case Study has been developed to provide a working example of how to use the Template.

Template: Coastal Risk Management Plan

The Template has been developed to assist planners and managers in the assessment, analysis and management of risks to built and natural assets in the coastal zone. The Template is based on Australian Standard Risk Management Principles. The Template is supported by comprehensive Guidelines.

Coastal Risk Manag​ement Plan Template (259 KB)

Template and Guidelines: Coastal Risk Management Plan

The Template and Guidelines provide detailed information to assist in populating the Template Coastal Risk Management Plan. 

Coastal Risk Management Plan Template and Guidelines (501 KB)

​Case Study: Coastal Risk Management Plan

A Case Study of a hypothetical location has been produced to provide planners and managers with a working example of the use of the Template Coastal Risk Management Plan and Template and Guidelines. 

Coastal Risk Man​agement Plan Case Study (258 KB)