Bush with a Tree Layer of Eucalypts

All the bush types below have a tree layer or canopy of eucalypt trees. However, the shrub and ground layers that make up the understorey vary depending on the bush type.

Find the summary that best describes your bush. Click on the image for a discussion of the bush type, and its management in general.

Grassy woodland and forest scene

Grassy woodland and forest has an understorey dominated by grasses, saggs and wildlflowers. Shrubs over 2 m tall sparse.

Grassy/heathy woodland and forest

Grassy/heathy woodland and forest has an understorey of grasses and small-leaved shrubs less than 2m tall. Bush is a mix of grassy and heathy woodland or forest

Heathy woodland and forest

Heathy woodland and forest has an understorey dominated by small-leaved shrubs less than 2 m tall and/or bracken.

Shrubby forest

Shrubby forest has an understorey dominated by small-leaved shurbs more than 2 m tall.

Wet forest vegetation

Wet forest has an understorey dominated by broad-leaved tall shrubs and small trees.

Wet forest vegetation

Mixed forest has myrtle, sassafras, horizontal or celerytop pine in the understorey. (Refer to wet forest).

Oyster Bay Pine

Oyster Bay pine and South Esk pine woodland and forest is doimnated by Oyster bay pine or South Esk pine.

She-oak woodland scene

She-oak woodland and forest has a tree layer dominated by she-oak but eucalypts also present.