Information on Flora, Fauna and Funga of Tasmania

​​​​Flora, Fauna and Funga of Tasmania

Vegetation of Tasmania - For such a tiny island state, the diversity of Tasmania's vegetation is astounding - mosaics of alpine herb fields and colourful heathland, ancient rainforests, tracts of native grasslands and dry windswept coastal vegetation.

Vegetation Types and Communities - Tasmania has very diverse habitats created by the large variation in altitude, water availability and soil types. As a result Tasmania has diverse and interesting vegetation that broadly reflects an east to west change in climate conditions from the dry east coast to the wet west coast and in geology from dolerite and granites in the east to quartzites in the west.

Flora of Tasmania Online - The Flora of Tasmania Online is a publicly available web-based resource for the identification of plants and the dissemination of modern taxonomic information. Flora of Tasmania Online presents information on all flowering plants, native and naturalized, found in the State of Tasmania. Information includes descriptions, keys, taxonomic relationships, distributions and ecology.

University of Tasmania's key to vascular plants - This key is mainly the work of Greg Jordan and David Tng, School of Plant Science, University of Tasmania. A teaching initiative by the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology, University of Tasmania supported the development of the first version of this key, with Ruth Osborne, Simon James, Anna McEldowney providing considerable assistance.

Australian National Herbarium - Herbaria are collections of preserved plant and fungal specimens and their associated data. They are concerned primarily with scientific research and documenting the vast diversity of plant and fungal life. The Australian National Herbarium arose from the amalgamation over the years of several herbaria managed by the Commonwealth Government. These included several CSIRO herbaria, the Forest Research Institute Eucalypt Collection, the Forest Research Institute's Atherton Rainforest Collection, and the Australian National Botanic Gardens Herbarium. The CSIRO's core collection, previously known as 'Herbarium Australiense', was renamed 'Australian National Herbarium' in 1984.

Australian Botanical Databases - A collection of various Australian botanical databases, including historic and current listings, herbarium specimen data, plant images and other useful resources.

The Environmental Resources Info​​rmation Network - The Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) is a unit within the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, specialising in online data and information management, and spatial data integration and analysis. ERIN aims to improve environmental outcomes by developing and managing a comprehensive, accurate and accessible information base for environmental decisions.

Threatened Species - Information on Tasmania's threatened plant and animal species including Listing Statements, Notesheets, Recovery Plans and information on the process of listing species.

List of Tasmanian Threatened Native Vegetation Communities - This document identifies the native vegetation communities listed as threatened under Schedule 3A of the Nature Conservation Act 2002. For clarity the document also identifies the relevant TASVEG and RFA vegetation mapping codes that equate to the listed threatened communities.

Fungi Down Under - Fungimap Inc. is an Australia-wide organisation with the following aims: To stimulate and support the study of Australian macrofungi through the accumulation, storage, analysis and dissemination of information about fungi,to link and bring together those with an interest in Australian macrofungi, providing opportunities for sharing and learning; and fostering relationships between groups and individuals that share the objectives of Fungimap,to promote the appreciation of fungi with a focus on Australian macrofungi in the natural environment, and to foster the conservation of Australian macrofungi.

Animals of Tasmania - Tasmania has many species which have become extinct, or are on the verge of extinction, on mainland Australia. Having fewer introduced predators, and a relatively large amount of intact habitat on the island, makes Tasmania a final refuge - a last chance - for many species including the Tasmanian devil. This page contains information on all aspects of animals in Tasmania.

Living with Wildlife - A guide to living on the land with our unique, and often vulnerable native wildlife. Discover the solutions that landowners, fishers and home owners can use to ensure the future of our precious wildlife heritage.

Birdlife Australia​ - BirdLife Australia is a key resource for learning about native birds and their conservation.​​

From Forest to Fjaeldmark: Descriptions of Tasmania's Vegetation (Edition 2) - From Forest to Fjaeldmark is the technical reference publication for the TASVEG mapping dataset. The principal aim of this manual is to describe the classification of mapping units used within TASVEG. However, the historical context of vegetation mapping in Tasmania is also important because the TASVEG map originates from several mapping processes. An understanding of these is necessary to appreciate how the mapping in TASVEG has evolved over time. A brief description of Tasmania's biophysical environment, including that of the sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island, is given for the benefit of users from outside the state. From Forest to Fjaeldmark will not duplicate the excellent publications already existing, such as Vegetation of Tasmania (Reid et al. 1999) and Subantarctic Macquarie Island: environment and biology (Selkirk et al. 1990), to which serious users of vegetation mapping would be advised to refer for additional information.

Little Book of Common Names for Tasmanian Plants​ - Botany is of interest to a large number of people, the majority of them general field naturalists, people in the landcare movement, land managers such as foresters and farmers, or just people who like the bush and want to know the name of plants they find. They use common names because they can get their tongue around them. The world of botany cannot do without the professional botanists and taxonomists but it is also inhabited and enriched by a vast number of non-professionals for whom scientific plant names may appear intimidating.

The Australian Wetlands Database - An important resource for wetland managers is sound data and information about the values of wetlands on which to base management decisions. The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts maintains the Australian Wetlands Database with information from State and Territory conservation agencies. This provides online access to the most recent information on Australia's Ramsar sites and Directory wetlands, our internationally and nationally important wetlands respectively.


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GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.