Stock grazing
General information:
Wetlands and waterways
General information:
Management information:
Assessing and monitoring wetland vegetation and health:
The following handbooks by Margaret Brock were produced as part of the wetland research program of the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation.
Does Your Wetland Flood Wet and Dry? Water Regine and Wetland Plants
Are There Plants in Your Wetland? Revegetating Wetlands.
Are There Seeds in Your Wetland? Assessing Wetland Vegetation
Riparian areas
General information:
General information on management of riparian areas can be found in Kit 6 of the
Tasmanian Bushcare Toolkit
"Tasmanian Streambank Plants" by R. Glazik & M. Askey-Doran (hardcopy only)
Wetlands and Waterways Works Manual provides guidelines on the environmental best practice principles that should be used when planning and undertaking works in waterways and wetlands.
Soil management and salinity
General information:
Weeds, pests and diseases
Weed information:
Information on how to
identify and control weeds, including pictures and control guides, is available on the NRE Tas website
While the specific herbicide information is out of date, Kit 3 of the
Tasmanian Bushcare Toolkit contains a large amount of useful information.
Phytophthora information:
- Information on
Phytophthora (root rot), including information on identification, impacts and management can be found on this website.
Pests information:
Weeds, Pests and Diseases page on the NRE Tas website provides comprehensive information on weeds, pests and diseases, including their identification and management.
- Kit 4 of the
Tasmanian Bushcare Toolkit provides information on a range of topics related to the revegetation and rehabilitation of degraded land.
Native fauna management
Tasmanian Fire Service resources:
General information:
General information on fire management can be found in Kit 2 of the
Tasmanian Bushcare Toolkit, which describes the use of fire as a management tool, and provides information on a range of fire management practices.
Vegetation condition
General information:
Information on assessing and monitoring vegetation condition can be found in Kit 1 of the
Tasmanian Bushcare Toolkit
Vegetation Monitoring in Tasmania provides resources for assessing vegetation condition in Tasmania
Tasmanian River Condition Index is a new approach to assess river condition for Tasmanian catchments. The Tasmanian River Condition Index or TRCI assesses four key components (or sub-indices) of river condition, providing an integrated approach to compare current condition to a pre-European reference.
A Users Guide to Vegetation Monitoring by McCoull and Barnes, a report from the DPIPWE
Nature Conservation Report Series
Tasmanian River Condition Index is a new approach to assess river condition for Tasmanian catchments. The Tasmanian River Condition Index or TRCI assesses four key components (or sub-indices) of river condition, providing an integrated approach to compare current condition to a pre-European reference.