Private Forest Reserves Program

The Private Forest Reserves Program (PFRP) was established as part of the Regional Forest Agreement between the Australian Government and the Tasmanian Government in late 1997 and ran until mid 2006. Although the PFRP closed in 2006 the Tasmanian Government continues to provide monitoring and stewardship services to landowners with PFRP Conservation Covenants.

The PFRP worked with private landowners in Tasmania to support the long-term protection of Tasmania's native forests on private land. Landowners were offered an up-front payment and management assistance for conserving forest on their properties. The funding for these incentive payments was provided by the Australian Government.

The primary objective of the PFRP was to contribute to Australia's Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative (CAR) reserve system.


Outcomes of the PFRP included:
  • Around 255 Conservation Covenants registered on private land covering an area of 35,605 hectares; and
  • A significant contribution to national Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative (CAR) targets.

Review and Evaluation of the Tasmanian Private Forest Reserves Program

The Private Forest Reserves Program (PFRP) was established as part of the Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) between the Australian Government and the Tasmanian Government in November 1997.

Originally set up to run for four years, the Program was extended in 2002 after the final recommendations report of the Inquiry on the Progress with Implementation of the Tasmanian Regional Forests Agreement (RFA).

In May 2005, a Supplementary Tasmanian RFA was signed between the Australian Government and the Tasmanian Government. This Agreement included provision for the PFRP to continue to operate until 30 June 2006.

This review and evaluation was initiated early in 2007. The review assessed the extent to which the PFRP achieved the objectives set for it in 1997. The work was undertaken by consultants Brian Gilligan and Syneca Consulting.

  Review and Evaluation of the Tasmanian Private Forest Reserves Program   (526Kb)

The Private Land Conservation Program has implemented key recommendations from the review, and continues to facilitate opportunities for Tasmanian landowners to participate in conservation initiatives.


Private Land Conservation Enquiries

GPO Box 44,
Hobart, TAS, 7001.