TASVEG is a comprehensive digital map of Tasmania's vegetation, including sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island. The map depicts the extent of more than 150 vegetation communities, including coastal heathlands, eucalypt forest and alpine communities. To assist with using the map, these communities are fully described in the accompanying technical manual - From Forest to Fjaeldmark: Descriptions of Tasmania's Vegetation (Edition 2).
TASVEG is a resource that underpins legislated native vegetation conservation provisions, policy, vegetation management agreements and monitoring at both State and Commonwealth levels. TASVEG is a vital tool for biodiversity research and monitoring, land use planning and sustainable management of Tasmania's unique natural resources.
TASVEG community types and their accuracy
Correctly identifying TASVEG community types and their location is a complex undertaking. TASVEG mapping is provided as a planning tool that allow users to investigate what community types are likely to exist on the property or location of interest. As TASVEG mapping is indicative only, it should not be used as a legal basis for vegetation assessments.
Users seeking information related to
clearing of native vegetation should consult the relevant information provided by the
Forest Practices Authority.
From 1998 to 2001 NRE Tas received a Natural Heritage Trust grant to produce a state-wide vegetation map. In 2001 TASVEG became a core activity of the State Government and in 2004 the first edition of TASVEG was released. TASVEG is continually revised and updated at a nominal scale of 1:25,000 with the Department periodically providing a new official release version. Each TASVEG release contains new mapping information and the current version - TASVEG 4.0 - was officially released in July 2020. Included under the TASVEG banner is a vegetation map of Macquarie Island (TASVEG Macquarie Island) which incorporates seven unique vegetation communities, bringing the total current TASVEG mapping units to 164. The current release version for Macquarie Island is TASVEG Macquarie Island 3.0.
In 2014 TASVEG users were granted access to a dataset known as TASVEG Live. TASVEG Live is utilised in the TASVEG Notification Service. It is a digital spatial layer that represents the current state of NRE Tas in-production mapping and is therefore more up to date than the current TASVEG release version. Users are encouraged to examine this layer for a better insight into the mapping progress currently underway at NRE Tas. TASVEG Live is not suitable as a reporting tool as it has not undergone the usual quality assurance checks associated with an official release. Users who would like to coordinate their mapping effort with the TASVEG team are encouraged to contact the TVMMP and request an extract of the master database so that new mapping can be easily integrated into TASVEG
How to access TASVEG
TASVEG is available to the public via LISTmap and can be requested as a standalone file for use within a Geographic Information System (GIS).
Access via the web
Anyone can access TASVEG (and TASVEG Live) via the web using the LISTmap viewer. The most recent version of TASVEG can be added by using the 'Add Layer +' button. TASVEG is listed under the minor category 'Communities' within the major category 'Plants and Animals'. TASVEG can also be found by typing the search phrase "TASVEG" within the 'Manage Layers' search tool.
TASVEG can also be utilised within the NRE Tas Natural Values Atlas (NVA). TASVEG is accessible as a layer within the NVA map viewer and subscribers can utilise TASVEG polygons to customise NVA searches and Natural Values Reports.
Access for use in a GIS - full dataset
If you have a Service Level Agreement with NRE Tas for the exchange of spatial data, the latest TASVEG spatial dataset (and supporting information) will be automatically updated in your existing FTP account as per terms of your agreement. If you do not have an existing agreement, and would like a copy of the TASVEG dataset for use in your GIS, contact the Client Services section of Land Tasmania (email: listhelp@nre.tas.gov.au). Alternatively, users can visit the LISTdata Open Data webpage and download the data directly.
Access for use in a GIS - LIST web mapping services
The Land Information System Tasmania (LIST) provides web mapping services that can be used to access LISTmap data over the web. These services are suitable for users who wish to view NRE Tas data in their own mapping applications. The LISTmap ArcGIS REST endpoint provides a variety of formats suitable for consumption in a range of client applications. The URL for the ArcGIS REST endpoint is https://services.thelist.tas.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services. Clients using ESRI software can use this URL to create an ArcGIS Server connection and from there browse all the available layers. Clients using other applications, such MapInfo or QGIS, can browse the catalogue tree in the services directory (using the above URL within a web browser) and then select the WMS or WMTS option to obtain a suitable URL for their client to connect to. Both TASVEG and TASVEG Live can be found in the 'Public/NaturalEnvironment' service (WMS format). The current TASVEG release is also available as a Web Feature Service (WFS) via the 'Public/OpenDataWFS' service. Not all the layers listed in the REST services directory are currently available in WMS or WMTS format.