Schedule 3A of the Nature Conservation Act 2002 lists the native vegetation communities in Tasmania considered to be threatened.
TVMMP have released an updated Threatened Native Vegetation Communities (TNVC) layer (TNVC 2020) to better reflect the distribution of the listed ecological communities.
The Threatened Native Vegetation Communities 2020 (TNVC 2020) dataset (released February 2021) provides an indicative map of the distribution of listed communities. TNVC 2020 is largely derived from the latest TASVEG map, TASVEG 4.0, and the previous TNVC 2014.
Correctly identifying threatened native vegetation community types and their location is a complex undertaking. TNVC mapping is provided as a planning tool that allow users to investigate what threatened communities are likely to exist on the property or location of interest.
As TNVC mapping is indicative only, it should not be used as a legal basis for vegetation assessments.
Brief descriptions of TNVCs have been developed (see below), but confirming the presence or otherwise of a listed threatened community requires field validation by a qualified practitioner.
Users seeking information related to clearing of native vegetation should consult the relevant information provided by the Forest Practices Authority.
TNVC 2020 is available via the LISTmap and the Natural Values Atlas. Digital copies of the layer for use in a GIS can be obtained by contacting the Geodata Client Services Section of NRE Tas. Please see the section titled 'How to access TASVEG' on the TASVEG home page for further guidance on the various ways to access TVMMP mapping data.
The link below provides access to the metadata statement for the TNVC 2020 dataset.
TNVC Metadata Statement (PDF 345Kb)
The preferred citation format for the TNVC 2020 release dataset:
Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania. Threatened Native Vegetation Communities 2020, Released February 2021. Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program, Environment Division.
Although many of the communities listed on Schedule 3A of the Nature Conservation Act 2002 share the same name as TASVEG mapping units, direct equivalence between the two should not be assumed. This, and the scale and currency of TASVEG mapping in some areas, means that TNVC 2020 should not be used in isolation to identify listed communities.
To assist in their identification, descriptions have now been developed for all 39 listed threatened communities (twenty-three forest, sixteen non-forest). This information is available below:
2. Allocasuarina littoralis forest (378Kb)
3. Athrotaxis cupressoides-Nothfagus gunnii short rainforest (374Kb)
4. Athrotaxis cupressoides open woodland (369Kb)
5. Athrotaxis cupressoides rainforest (347Kb)
6. Athrotaxis selaginoides - Nothofagus gunnii short rainforest (361Kb)
7. Athrotaxis selaginoides rainforest (355Kb)
10. Banksia serrata woodland (360Kb)
11. Callitris rhomboidea forest (352Kb)
14. Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone (414Kb)
15. Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on Cainozoic deposits (408Kb)
16. Eucalyptus brookeriana wet forest (433Kb)
17. Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland (427Kb)
18. Eucalyptus globulus King Island forest (455Kb)
19. Eucalyptus morrisbyi forest and woodland (404Kb)
20. Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland (405Kb)
21. Eucalyptus risdonii forest and woodland (356Kb)
22. Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments (399Kb)
23. Eucalyptus viminalis - Eucalyptus globulus coastal forest and woodland (411Kb)
24. Eucalyptus viminalis Furneaux forest and woodland (406Kb)
25. Eucalyptus viminalis wet forest (402Kb)
30. Melaleuca ericifolia swamp forest (394Kb) (439Kb)
32. Notelaea - Pomaderris - Beyeria forest (431Kb)
38. Subalpine Leptospermum nitidum woodland (353Kb)
1. Alkaline pans (PDF 403Kb)
8. Athrotaxis selaginoides subalpine scrub (405Kb)
9. Banksia marginata wet scrub (380Kb)
13. Cushion moorland (373Kb)
26. Heathland on calcareous substrates (358Kb)
27. Heathland scrub complex at Wingaroo (365Kb)
28. Highland grassy sedgeland (349Kb)
29. Highland Poa grassland (350Kb)
31. Melaleuca pustulata scrub (314Kb)
33. Rainforest fernland (336Kb)
34. Riparian scrub (372Kb)
35. Seabird rookery complex (557Kb)
36. Sphagnum peatland (356Kb)
36a. Spray zone coastal complex (360Kb)
37. Subalpine Diplarrena latifolia rushland (355Kb)
39. Wetlands (354Kb)
TVMM Program Support
Last published on: 27/08/2024 10:16 AM