The Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program (TVMMP) vegetation monitoring activities are guided by the
Native Vegetation Monitoring Strategy which sets out the long term approach to developing NRE Tas' native vegetation monitoring programs.
Please see the following sections for information and tools developed by the TVMMP that relate to the assessment of native vegetation condition in Tasmania.
A Manual for Assessing Vegetation Condition in Tasmania Version 2.0
This manual describes the Vegetation Community Assessment (VCA) method used for assessing the condition of native vegetation in Tasmania and provides step by step instructions on how to collect and score condition data for an assessment site. The TASVEG VCA method should be undertaken using the new TASVEG VCA Field Observation Data Sheet (FODS) with reference to the current TASVEG Vegetation Community Benchmarks.
This revision of the manual has been prompted by the expansion of the
Natural Values Atlas (NVA) to better support the input of VCA data. The manual and the FODS align to support the collection of field observations and mirror the redesigned VCA data entry page to facilitate data entry into the NVA.
The NVA now automates the calculation of VCA scores from entered field observations by comparing these with relevant benchmark data stored in the NVA.
While this edition of the manual has revised the structure, format and content of the original (Version1, 2006), the method for assessing vegetation condition and the scoring remain unchanged.
Manual Calculation of Scores
While the
Natural Values Atlas now automates the calculation of VCA scores from entered field observations, assessors wishing to undertake an independent calculation of scores can still do so. Refer to the revised Manual for Assessing Vegetation Condition in Tasmania - Appendix 2: Guide to Manual Scoring, and to the standalone TASVEG VCA Manual Scoring Tables available to support the manual calculation of the individual component scores.
TASVEG Field Observation Data Sheet (FODS)
Vegetation condition assessments are carried out using the TASVEG VCA field observation data sheet (FODS) which will enable you to record information about the condition of native vegetation in the assessment zone. Refer to Appendix 1A of the Manual for Assessing Vegetation Condition in Tasmania (Version 2.0) for step-by-step instructions on how to use the FODS. Appendix 1B is a quick reference guide for entering the data collected on the FODS into the
Natural Values Atlas.
The single FODS replaces the previously separate forest and non-forest vegetation assessment forms.
TASVEG Vegetation Community Benchmarks
The TASVEG VCA method requires a reference point or 'benchmark' so that the vegetation condition at specific sites can be assessed. Components of the vegetation at a site are scored against the benchmark to arrive at a condition value. A TASVEG vegetation community benchmark is the vegetation condition assessment reference point relevant to the vegetation community that is being assessed.
In Tasmania, the benchmarks used for vegetation condition assessments relate to the vegetation communities described and mapped in the TASVEG state-wide mapping program or, in some cases, identifiable variants or facies within them. Each TASVEG vegetation community benchmark contains the benchmark characteristics for that vegetation community and other information necessary for conducting a vegetation condition assessment. The TASVEG vegetation community benchmarks have been divided into nine groups that reflect the broad vegetation categories. Click on the links below to download a copy of the relevant TASVEG community benchmarks.
Users should note that the current catalogue of available vegetation community benchmarks was revised in July 2022, with new benchmarks developed for previously unbenchmarked TASVEG communities and adjustments made to some existing benchmarks following updates to the TASVEG vegetation community descriptions in the technical manual From Forest to Fjaeldmark. Please note that not all TASVEG communities are benchmarked or suitable for benchmarking.
The layout and appearance of benchmark documents have undergone small modifications to align with the revised Manual for Assessing Vegetation Condition in Tasmania, the new TASVEG VCA field observation data sheet (FODS), and the redesigned Natural Values Atlas VCA data entry page. The benchmark version is captured in the header of each benchmark document. Users are encouraged to always download and apply the most recent version of the relevant community benchmark.