Tasmanian Reserve Estate Spatial Layer

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Tasmanian Reserve Estate spatial layer has been created to provide the mapped extent of the reserve system in Tasmania. This reserve system extends over land, inland waters, estuaries and marine areas. 

The layer provides a spatial representation of Tasmania’s Reserve Estate for use as the authoritative source of information on the extent, type and distribution of the comprehensive, adequate and representative (CAR) reserve system in Tasmania. 

The layer is generally created with an as-at date of the end of each financial year. It is available at the end of November following the as-at date.

Map for Tasmanian reserve estate

Tasmanian Reserve Estate map 2023

​Area of Ta​​​smania reserved as at 30 June 2023

The Tasmanian Reserve Estate spatial layer as at 30 June 2023 indicates a total reserved area of 3,626,100 hectares, including formal and informal reserves on public land, reserves on private land, and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

The terrestrial reserved area is 3,433,000 hectares, or 50.4% of the area of Tasmania.

The Tasmanian Reserve Estate includes a further 144,000 hectares in Marine Protected Areas, of which Macquarie Island MPA is 83,500 hectares. There are a further 49,000 hectares under reserve in other areas of the marine and estuarine environments.

Notes: The area of Tasmania used is 6.81 million hectares, based on the mean high-water mark. This includes Macquarie Island and other Tasmanian offshore islands. It excludes estuaries.  

​Business rules and m​​​etadata

The Tasmanian Reserve Estate spatial layer has been developed by following established B​u​siness Rules. This ensures the layer is kept up to date in a consistent manner and provides a consistent basis for reporting on attributes of the reserve system. A matrix is given to show which reserve classes are used for various reporting requirements. 

Areas by cl​​​ass

Areas for the Reserve Estate by reserve class with terrestrial and marine breakdowns are available in the following table:-


Report of TASVEG v​​​​egetation communities in Tasmania's reserve system

The table, below, provides information f​​or each TASVEG community.

​Area within different reserve types is given, along with catchment, IBRA, and NRM breakdowns. Threatened Native Vegetation Communities have also been indicated in the spreadsheet. 


​Reporting u​​ses

The Tasmanian Reserve Estate spatial layer is used to underpin regular reporting about the reserve system.  Reporting occurs for:

​Accessing​​ the d​ata

The Tasmanian Reserve Estate spatial layer can​​​ be accessed in two ways:

1. On the Tasmanian o​​​nline mapping service the LIST

The Tasmania​​n Reserve Estate spatial layer is available on the LIST where it can be searched in a map-based tool. 

To use the LIST:

Anyone can access the Tasmanian Reserve Estate spatial layer via the web using the LISTmap viewer. The most recent version of the layer can be viewed via this link.

2. Acquire the spati​al layer

The layer is available in shapefile format.  The Tasmanian Reserve spatial layer is available through the LIST Opendata​. ​


Spatial Analyst

Felicity Faulkner
134 Macquarie Street,
HOBART, TAS, 7000.