The Conservation Assessment Team (CAS) within the Policy, Advice and Regulatory Services Branch (PARS) provides advice and comment to a range of key regulators and stakeholders on development activities that have the potential to impact on natural values. Stakeholders include Local Councils, Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT), Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS), the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Forest Practices Authority (FPA). As a result, CAS plays a key role in enabling proposed developments to be assessed in a consistent and rigorous fashion, in accordance with the Resource Management and Planning System (RMPS), the management system that underpins environmentally sustainable development in the State.
Guidelines for Natural Values Surveys
A report on the potential impact of a proposed development on natural values may be required by a regulator as part of a planning approval process under state legislation.
Survey guidelines have been prepared for consultants who are engaged by proponents to survey, and report on, the impact of a proposed development on natural values within Tasmania. Guidelines have been prepared for surveys required in the terrestrial, estuarine and marine environments.
The guidelines detail the minimum requirements for information needed to enable CAS to assess the potential impact(s) of a proposed activity on values such as threatened species and sites of geoconservation significance.
Guidelines for Terrestrial Natural Values Surveys related to Development Proposals (1Mb)
Guidelines for Marine and Estuarine Natural Values Surveys related to Development Proposals (911Kb)
In addition to the overarching survey guidelines, species-specific guidelines and management advice are also being developed for a number of threatened fauna species. As these documents are finalised they will be made available on this webpage.
Tasmanian Devil Survey Guidelines and Management Advice (1Mb)
Permit to Take Threatened Species (for Consultants & Development-related Activities)
Where a development will involve impact to a species listed as threatened under the Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 a permit to 'take' will be required. 'Take' includes kill, injure, pursue, catch, damage, destroy and collect. Consultants must also hold a permit to collect or impact specimens during any surveying. A permit under the Nature Conservation Act 2002 is also required to take products of wildlife.
If you require a permit, complete the permit application form below for the 'Taking' of Native Flora and/or Fauna. Applicants should allow 4 weeks for an application to be assessed and processed. Please note that permits will generally not be issued until the relevant planning approvals are obtained.