Permits for the collection from Crown or reserved land of earth materials for scientific investigation or educational purposes are issued by the Natural Values Conservation Branch, DPIPWE. The following is a brief guide for applicants wishing to apply for a permit, please allow up to four weeks for assessment and processing.
Initial written application for a permit should be made on the application form below and include the following information:
- A brief description of the proposed investigation or course (for example: a copy of the relevant section of a scoping document, grant application, brief, syllabus etc.)
- Full name, affiliation and contact details of person responsible for the scientific investigation or class*
- Full name(s), affiliation and contacts of any other samplers*
- A description or map of the area targeted for sampling*
- A description of the sample requirements, type and amount of material to be collected, including proposed method(s) of sample collection*
- Nomination of a period during which samples might be collected (permits are issued for a maximum of 12 months).*
* to be used to define the permission granted according to the relevant act.
Download permit forms:
Application form Earth Materials (78Kb)
Applications may be submitted by:
Email: Scientific Permits
Natural and Cultural Heritage Division
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
GPO Box 44
Hobart Tasmania 7001
Further information may be requested if warranted by the nature of the proposed work.
Upon successful application, permits are normally issued subject to conditions regarding:
- liaison with land manager regarding access authority, biosecurity, safety and other relevant matters.
- use of hand tools only in the World Heritage Area, national parks, state reserves and nature reserves unless otherwise specified.
- minimisation of impact of collection and amount of material to be collected.
- reporting and publication.
- lodgement and curation of type specimens or significant samples.
- distribution of multiple samples by authority only.
- other conditions may also be applied according to the nature of the proposed work.
If samples are to be collected from reserved land then the consent of the Parks and Wildlife Service regional manager is also required (allow up to three weeks following DPIPWE approval). Collection from Macquarie Island Nature Reserve requires approval of the Macquarie Island Research Assessment Group (MIRAG). Excavation of Aboriginal or Historic Sites requires approval from the Aboriginal Heritage Office at or Heritage Tasmania at respectively.
Sampling of subfossil bones or remains of species listed under the
Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 requires a permit from the Threatened Species Section. Contact the Section by email or telephone 03 6165 4340.