For all species listed on the Threatened Species Protection Act 1995, ‘take’ includes, kill, catch, damage or collect any listed plant, plant part or product, such as seed, foliage, roots, bark, sap etc.
For any flora species on any land reserved under the Nature Conservation Act 2002, ‘take’ includes destroy, damage or interfere with a native plant, plant part or product, including dead plant products such as wood, leaf litter etc.
When do I need a permit?
Native plant species listed as endangered, vulnerable or rare under the Threatened Species Protection Act 1995. In this case a permit is required regardless of the land tenure (current list of species protected).
Any native plant species listed on the regulations of the Nature Conservation Act 2002. In this case the permit is required for all land tenures, unless stated otherwise in the regulations (note that currently there are no species listed under this act).
Any native plant species from public lands managed by the State Government.
Any native plant species from Private Sanctuaries and Private Nature Reserves which have been declared under the Nature Conservation Act 2002, if you are not the owner of that land.
Special cases
Please note that taking increment cores and wood samples on reserved land in Tasmania, for reasons such as for dendrochronology research is subject to some additional collection
restrictions. For more information on dendrochronology sampling please contact:
For information on equivalent permits that cover Commonwealth areas in Tasmania, see the Commonwealth Government Department of Environment and Heritage web site for Listed Species Permits.
How to apply for a permit
If you have determined that you require a permit to carry out your proposed activity and that activity relates to a commercial operation, development or consultancy work related to these activities then please go the Development Assessments page.
If your proposed activity requires a permit and is to be carried out for scientific, management or educational purposes then an authority can be applied for using the form provided below.
Read the Permit Application Guidelines
Before completing a Permit Application Form, please read the guidelines. Included is information on how to apply for a permit, how to fill out the application form, what happens to the application, if issued with a permit what that means plus contacts for further information.
Guidelines for Applicants of Scientific Permits - Authority to Take Native Flora in Tasmania (1Mb)
Complete a Permit Application Form
Permit applications must be made to the Natural and Cultural Heritage Division using the required permit application form and with all associated information requested attached.
Forms may be printed out and completed by hand or downloaded as a word document and completed electronically. If needed please increase the size of text boxes to accommodate information. Depending on what the proposed activity is Please forward to the completed form via email or post, and if required direct any enquiries to:
Ecologist, Natural Values Science, Natural and Cultural Heritage Division,
Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania,
GPO Box 44 Hobart, TAS 7001
Threatened Species, Natural and Cultural Heritage Division,
Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania,
GPO Box 44 Hobart, TAS 7001