This report contains listed and migratory species.
Tasmania's coastal fauna includes significant populations of birds which are dependant on the beach and dunes for breeding and the littoral zones, mudflats and estuaries for feeding and roosting.
Tasmania has over 4,700 km of coastline and 334 islands much of which provides habitat for shorebirds. Out of 43 Tasmanian species of breeding and migratory shorebirds, 12 species are resident and breed locally while 31 species migrate to Tasmania annually from other parts of the world.
Being the most southerly point of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, Tasmania is an important destination for many migratory species that spend their winter months in the Southern Hemisphere.
This report is Natural Heritage Trust Project No. NWP 11990
Content includes:
- Summary of Findings
- NHT Project Outline
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results - Part 1: Survey Period Information
- Results - Part 2: Species Assessments - Beach breeding shorebirds; Migratory shorebirds; Shorebird species of conservation concern in Tasmania
- Results - Part 3: Assessment of Long Term Survey Sites; Comparison between long term survey sites; Offshore islands; Priority sites
- Shorebird Literature
- Appendices: (A) Information on sites surveyed in this project, (B) Species and sites recorded, (C) Shorebird breeding sites, (D) Breeding productivity.
The report is presented as one large document for broadband users and has also been broken up into several fast-download files for those on slower connections.
Written by Dr Sally Bryant.
Published by Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment.
(Published in 2002)
Copyright Government of Tasmania 2002
This publication is available online:
Conservation Assessment of Beach Nesting and Migratory Shorebirds of Tasmania (2Mb)