This booklet provides preferred common names for all Tasmanian vascular plants, including introduced plants.
Little Book of Common Names for Tasmanian Plants (PDF 880Kb)
A scientific plant name applies to a single species and the allocation of names is bound by a strict set of internationally accepted rules. Common names are not subject to such rules and are often imprecise, sometimes confusing. Many plants are known by different names in different parts of Australia, which may differ again from those in other parts of the world.
This book allows for consistency in the use of common names for Tasmanian plants.
Written by Hans and Annie Wapstra, Mark Wapstra, Louise Gilfedder.
Published by Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.
(Published in 2005)
ISBN/ISSN 0 7246 6365 7
Copyright Government of Tasmania 2005