This report can be obtained from the
Threatened Species Section as a PDF on CD.
The NRM funding received for priority actions for threatened species has been essential for the implementation of the following programs:
Cradle-Coast NRM region
- Security actions for the nationally critically endangered Scrambling Ground Fern (Hypolepis distans) to prevent trampling and browsing by stock.
Northern NRM region
- Security actions for the nationally critically endangered Davies Wax Flower (Phebalium daviesii) along known river systems.
- Population security for the nationally endangered Shy Susan (Tetratheca gunnii) from stock grazing and browsing following recent successful management burns.
- Post fire survey for nationally threatened species on Flinders Island.
Southern NRM region
- Security actions for the nationally endangered Miena Cider Gum (Eucalyptus gunnii) known to be declining through drought, trampling and soil compaction.
- Population security for the nationally critically endangered Swamp Eyebright (Euphrasia gibbsiae) threatened by habitat destruction.
- Population security for 5 nationally threatened freshwater galaxiids through field checking for existing and emergent threats such as trout invasion.
- Protection of the nationally endangered Spotted Handfish (Brachionichthys hirsutus) through checking for invasions of pests and loss of breeding substrate.
Shared across NRM Regions
- Population security for the nationally critically endangered Orange-bellied Parrot (Neophema chrysogaster) (South and Cradle-Coast NRM regions) through monitoring in the wild and release of captive bred young.
- Nest protection for threatened eagles (Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax) and White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)) (3 NRM regions) on public and private land.
- Habitat protection for the nationally endangered Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) (3 NRM regions) through survey, nest protection and liaison with land managers.
- Security actions for nationally critically endangered Native Wintercress (Barbarea australis) (3 NRM regions) in the form of propagation and habitat protection.
- Population assessment for nationally vulnerable Creeping Spyridium (Spyridium obcordatum) (Cradle-Coast and North NRM region) due to incomplete knowledge of its distribution in areas undergoing rapid development.
- Completion of identifying priority lowland temperate grasslands (Cradle-Coast and North NRM region) through survey, mapping, and on-ground protection.
- Priority protection for burrowing crayfish communities (Cradle-Coast and North NRM regions) through community fostered actions and education programs.
These recovery actions represent an enormous amount of valuable work undertaken in collaboration with partner organisations, land managers, consultants and community groups. In many cases, this interim funding has enabled specialists to undertake important actions for the first time in over two years.