Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Management Plan

​The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) was established to protect, conserve, present and pass on to future generations one of the world's outstanding wilderness areas. To ensure effective management of this region, the department has produced a new management plan. The plan was signed​ by the Governor-in-Council on 29 November 2016 and came into statutory effect  on 21 December 2016. 

Tasmania is also a signatory to the 2009 Australian World Heritage Intergovernmental Agreement and as such requires the Federal Minister for the Environment to seek assurance from the States that management plans for World Heritage properties meet the agreement’s World Heritage Management Principles. The Federal Minister endorsed the plan as meeting those principles on 24 November 2016.

​​Tasmanian Wilderness ​World Heritage ​Area​​ M​an​​agement Plan 2016

  Tasmanian Wild​​erness World Heritage Management Plan 2016   (123Mb)​​

Please note, this is a very large file and may take some time to download.

​​E​​​xecutiv​​​e​​ Sum​​​mary​

  Executive Su​​mmar​y TW​​WHA Management Plan 2016   (654Kb)

​​​​Frequently Ask​​​ed ​​Questions

  Frequently Asked ​Questions​​​ - TWWHA Management Plan 2016   (139Kb)​

​Supportin​​g ​Do​cu​ments