A series of status and trend reports on the condition of cultural and natural values and threats to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA), will assist in managing the Outstanding Universal Value of the TWWHA.
The status and trend reports, produced by the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) will inform adaptive management within the TWWHA, while providing a greater understanding of the values.
The reports can be found below:
These reports provide overviews of the key values of the property, presenting best-available information and knowledge on their current status and trends together with supporting evidence and documentation (where this exists).
Status and Trends reports are identified as a product under Chapter 9 Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting, of the 2016 TWWHA Management Plan.
For more information on performance monitoring and evaluating for Tasmania's national parks and reserves, including World Heritage Areas visit the PWS website.