TWWHA Tourism Master Plan

​​​​​​​​​A Tourism Master Plan (TMP) for the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) has been developed:​​

  Tourism Master Plan for the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area   (65Mb)

(If you have difficulty accessing this document please contact​

The TMP is a requirement of the TWWHA Management Plan 2016 and shares the overarching vision statement articulated in the Management Plan:

​"To identify, protect, conserve, present and, if appropriate, to rehabilitate the World Heritage, National Heritage and other natural and cultural values of the TWWHA and to transmit that heritage to future generations in as good or better condition than at present."

The TMP will make an important contribution to refining a balanced approach to tourism development in the TWWHA as permitted in the Management Plan. This will be provided through: 

  • policy and planning recommendations 

  • higher level strategic guidance ​

  • the establishment of principles for decision making ​​

This plan fulfils our commitment to the UNESCO Reactive Monitoring Mission recommendation No 7.

Consultation and Engagement​

Significant stakeholder and public engagement was undertaken to inform the development of the TMP.

We appreciate everyone who attended the community and stakeholder engagement sessions in 2019 who provided constructive contributions.

A specific engagement process for the Tasmanian Aboriginal community was also implemented.

An important step in the development of the draft TMP was the release of the Towards Tourism Master Plan background paper in December 2019.

Following this a draft TMP was released in March 2020 for an 8 week public comment period. The public comment period was then extended by 6 weeks due to COVID-19. 

The 44 submissions received​ during this process helped to shape the drafting of the final TMP.

A summary of the issues raised in the submissions has been prepared:

NRE Tas would like to thank all those who contributed to the preparation of the TMP.


TWWHA Tourism Master Plan Project