Making Nominations
Any person may nominate an eligible native species for listing or delisting by completing a nomination form.
Nomination of Threatened Species Form
The nominator should refer to Section 15 of the Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 and the Guidelines for listing species under the legislation.
Guidelines for the Listing of Species under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 (59Kb)
Assessment of Nominations
Once a nomination has been received, the Scientific Advisory Committee assesses the nomination against criteria provided in the Guidelines. The Committee has 12 months to make an assessment against the relevant criteria. The Committee may obtain further advice from those with relevant expertise, including individuals, non-government organisations and government agencies. The Committee will then make a preliminary recommendation.
A notice of the preliminary recommendation is placed in Tasmanian newspapers (Mercury, Examiner, Advocate) and the Government Gazette inviting interested parties to submit written comment within 30 days of the notice. Any additional scientific information received during the period of formal comment may also be taken into account.
Based on the recommendation of the Scientific Advisory Committee, the Minister for Environment and Parks makes a final decision and advertises this decision in Tasmanian newspapers and the Government Gazette along with the intention to make an Order under the Act to list, delist or change the status of the species.