Scientific Advisory Committee (Threatened Species)

​​​​​​​​​​​​The establishment of the Scientific Advisory Committee (threatened species) is provided for under section 8 of the Threatened S​pecies Protection Act 1995. This legislation also sets out the functions of the Committee which are to advise the Minister and the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania on:

  1. the listing and de-listing of taxa of flora and fauna

  2. threatening processes

  3. the criteria to be followed in the determination of critical habitats

  4. other matters relating to the conservation of threatened native flora and fauna

  5. the review and approval of listing statements.

All members are to have specialist knowledge and experience in the sciences of flora or fauna conservation or ecology. Members must collectively have expertise in the following categories:

  1. vertebrate fauna

  2. invertebrate fauna

  3. vascular flora

  4. non-vascular flora

  5. taxonomy

  6. marine ecology

  7. freshwater ecology

  8. terrestrial ecology

  9. popu​lation ec​​​ology.

The Committee may consult with members of​ the broader scientific community as it considers appropriate.​

​Members of the Scientific ​​​Advisory Committee (Threatened Species)​ ​​​​​

Primary area of  expertise as per Part 2, section 8(5) of the TSP Act
Additional areas of expertise
​Professor Christo​pher Johnson
​(a) Vertebrate fauna
​Terrestrial ecology, population ecology
​​Dr Kev​​in Bonham
​(b) Invertebrate fauna
Taxonomy, non-vascular flora
​(c) ​Vascular flora

​​​​​Dr Magali Wrigh​​t (Chair)
​(d) Non-vascular flora
Terrestrial ecology, vascular flora
​(e) ​Taxonomy

Dr Karen ​Parsons 
​(f) Marine ecology
 Population ecology
​​(g) Freshwater ecology

​​Prof Eli​​​ss​​a Cameron
​(h) Terrestrial ecology​
Population ecology, vertebrate fauna


Threatened Species Committees

GPO Box 44,
HOBART, TAS, 7001.