Managing Threatened Species & Communities on Bruny Island

Colour photograph of cover Threatened Species Bruny Island Report.This publication contains information on threatened flora and fauna species of Bruny Island and ways to assist their survival.

As the publication is very large, it is separated into 4 parts plus separate appendices 7, 8, 9, and 10 for ease of downloading.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Please Note: this publication was produced in 2003 - some of the threatened species listing information is now out of date. The species management information remains relevant.

Part 1 includes:

  • information on the natural values of Bruny Island and values under threat
  • how to use the plan
  • the definition of a threatened species
  • the importance of Bruny Island to the survival of threatened species
  • key habitats
  • threatened species and landowners
  • threatened fauna species on Bruny Island, including lists of formally recorded threatened species and pictures.

Threatened Species, Bruny Island - Part 1 (941 KB)

Part 2 includes:

  • threatened flora species on Bruny Island, including lists of formally recorded threatened species and pictures.

Threatened Species, Bruny Island - Part 2 (905 KB)

Part 3 includes:

  • details of migratory birds protected under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
  • fauna and flora species of high conservation significance
  • threatened plant communities
  • threatened and significant species and their habitats.

Threatened Species, Bruny Island - Part 3 (773 KB)

Part 4 includes:

  • the principal threatening processes that occur on Bruny Island, and the various ways in which these processes can be managed to ensure the long-term security of threatened species and communities on the island.

Threatened Species, Bruny Island - Part 4 (795 KB)


Appendix 7 is a map of recorded locations of threatened species, listed migratory species and species of high conservation significance on Bruny Island.

  Bruny Island Plan - Appendix 7   (524Kb)

Appendix 8 is a map of recorded locations of threatened flora species and species of high conservation significance on Bruny Island.

  Bruny Island Plan - Appendix 8   (419Kb)

Appendix 9 is a map showing the distribution of Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) priority forest on Bruny Island.

  Bruny Island Plan - Appendix 9   (435Kb)

Appendix 10 is a map displaying the distribution of habitat types on Bruny Island.

  Bruny Island Plan - Appendix 10   (523Kb)



Threatened Species Section - Enquiries

GPO Box 44,
HOBART, TAS, 7001.