The draft Environmental Management and Pollution Control Amendment Bill 2022 (which proposes changes to Tasmania’s Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994) was open for public consultation. Submissions closed on Friday 3 June 2022 and those received can be viewed here.
The EMPC Bill proposes changes to Tasmania’s Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA).
These changes cover four areas:
Strengthening the independence of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
Powers for the Director, EPA to make monitoring information available to the public.
Processes for making Environmental Standards to manage activities that may affect the State’s natural environment.
A process for making Technical Standards to help implement environmental standards, State Policies, Environment Protection Policies or National Environmental Protection Measures.
The EPA is Tasmania’s independent environmental assessment and regulatory body. The amendments provide additional clarity on the independent role of the EPA. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania will continue to hold the policy setting role.
The proposed changes include powers to ensure the Ministerial Statement of Expectation aligns with the objectives of EMPCA and the functions and powers of the EPA Board, as well as provisions to clarify the powers of the Director and strengthen their independence.
Supporting material:
EMPCA Amendment Bill 2022-Consultation Draft (PDF 580Kb)
Explanatory Paper for Consultation Draft of Amendment Bill 2022 (PDF 298Kb)