Have Your Say on Single-use Plastics

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Tasmanian Government is committed to providing opportunities for community involvement in the development of Government policy and we would like your input on​​​​​ our plan to phase out problematic single-use plastics.

This initial consultation seeks community input to better understand how restricting access to some single‑use plastic items will impact Tasmanians, and how items should be phased out over the next few years.

Discussion Paper​​

To inform your response to this consultation, read the Discussion Paper linked below, which includes information and context to this commitment to phasing out single-use plastics in Tasmania with key considerations outlined for your feedback:

 ​Phasing Out Single-Use Plastics in Tasmania Discussion ​Paper ​(PDF 4Mb)​

​​H​​ow to make a submission

Feedback can be given between 20 August and 1 October 2024 by:

Consultation factsheets​​

​​ Plain English Factsheet (PDF 424Kb)

 Simplified Chinese Factsheet (PDF 450Kb)

 Nepali Factsheet (PDF 287Kb)

 Punjabi Factsheet (PDF 317Kb)​​

Next steps​

​​From​​ 1​​ October 2024

When this initial consultation closes, your feedback will be reviewed and analysed, and the Department w​ill continue engaging with key stakeholders as we assess sector-specific impacts in more detail.

Further consu​​​​ltation​ - date TBD

The Department will release draft legislation, a regulatory impact statement and a phase out roadmap for further ​public comment in due course.​​

​Privacy​ information

​Other than indicated below, submissions will be treated as public information and will be published on this website following consideration of them and the Government determining the next steps in the development of the policy.

No personal information other than an individual's name or the organisation making a submission will be published. 

For further information, contact: PlasticsPolicy@nre.tas.gov.au.

Accessibility of submissions

​Where possible, please consider typing your submission in plain English and providing it in a format such as Microsoft Word or equivalent.

The Government cannot however take responsibility for the accessibility of documents provided by third parties.

Important information to note

Your name (or the name of your organisation) will be published unless you request otherwise.

In the absence of a clear indication that a submission is intended to be treated as confidential (or parts of the submission), the Department will treat the submission as public. 

If you would like your submission treated as confidential, whether in whole or in part, please indicate this in writing at the time of making your submission clearly identifying the parts of your submission you want to remain confidential and the reasons why. In this case, your submission will not be published to the extent of that request.

Copyright in submissions remains with the author(s), not with the Tasmanian Government.

The Department will not publish, in whole or in part, submissions containing defamatory or offensive material. If your submission includes information that could enable the identification of other individuals then either all or parts of the submission will not be published. 

The Right to Information Act 2009 and ​​​confidentiality

Information provided to the Government may be provided to an applicant under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009​​​​​​ (RTI). If you have indicated that you wish all or part of your submission to be treated as confidential, your statement detailing the reasons may be taken into account in determining whether or not to release the information in the event of an RTI application for assessed disclosure. You may also be contacted to provide any further comment.


Plastics Policy