Building the capacity of Tasmania's resource recovery sector to process or use waste materials is central to responding to the COAG export bans on certain types of unprocessed waste, and for addressing key challenges in the Tasmanian and broader Australian waste and resource recovery space.
Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Board Sponsorship Program announced
The Waste and Resource Recovery Board has announced the launch of the Waste Resource Recovery Sponsorship Program.
The program is focused on supporting projects, organisations and events that align with the WRR Strategy.
Sponsorships are available for projects and events that demonstrate and road-test innovation, produce improved resource streams and circular supply chains, and deliver better services, products and outcomes for Tasmania.
High Priority Infrastructure Grant recipients announced
The Board has announced the successful applicants of the High Priority Infrastructure Grants.
There are 20 successful projects under the grants program, who will receive $10,000 all the way up to $500,000 in funding depending on the project’s complexity and scale, some of these include the Redress Hub, Dulverton Waste Management Authority, Meander Valley Council, Kingborough Council and Recovery Tas Pty Ltd’s Glenorchy Tip Shop.
Funded by the landfill levy, the High Priority Infrastructure Grants will lead to more than $3 million dollars being invested into a range of waste and resource recovery projects in Tasmania by the successful recipients.e