The Invasive Species Branch produces a range of publications about invasive species management and issues.
Species profiles
Indian myna:
Indian myna factsheet (297Kb)
Rainbow lorikeet:
Rainbow lorikeet factsheet (488Kb)
Program information
Cat Management Act 2009:
Changes to cat management legislation in Tasmania (PDF 141Kb)
Responsible cat ownership (PDF 137Kb)
Trapping cats (PDF 150Kb)
Other resources
Fox Spot!
How good are you at spotting foxes? How well do you know Tasmania's native animals? Use your spotlight in this multimedia game to find foxes and other invasive species that threaten Tasmania's unique wildlife.
Spot the Fox game (Attachment: 2.68 MB)
Feral Deck
Profiles invasive species that are a threat to Tasmania's environment and economy. The Feral Deck was produced by the Threatened Species Network, a community-based collaboration between the Australian Government and WWF-Australia
Feral Deck (3Mb)
Relevant legislation
Vermin Control Act 2000Lists animals that are declared vermin in Tasmania and outlines landowner responsibilities for their control.
Nature Conservation Act 2002 and
Wildlife (General) Regulations 2010Outlines the requirements for taking, using or keeping certain species and the import of exotic species.
Weed Management Act 1999Provides the authority to declare specific plants as weeds and create Statutory Weed Management Plans that outline land manager responsibilities.
Animal Health Act 1995Prohibits the import of specific biological material, such as 'green' or untanned fox skins and fox scats, without the approval of the Chief Veterinary Officer.
Cat Management Act 2009Outlines the requirements for cat owners in Tasmania and provides authority for the control of cats in specific circumstances.
Please note that Section 24 of the Act has not been commenced, see
Proclamation under the Cat Management Act 2009
Plant Quarantine Act 1997Provides the authority to declare certain plant pests and diseases, and prevent the keeping of those plant pests and diseases.
Seeds Act 1985Provides the authority to regulate the production, supply and sale of seeds, and the declaration of prohibited seeds.
Import guidelines
Risk assessments
The following risk assessments are relevant to the work of the Invasive Species Branch:
Agile Wallaby (Agilis macropus) (1Mb)
Ferret (Mustela putorius) (444Kb)
Risk Assessment of the Import of Birds into Tasmania (391Kb)
Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) (607Kb)
For other species that have been risk assessed by DPIPWE, visit
Species Risk Assessments
Relevant links
Links to useful information about invasive species management.
Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre: The Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre is Australia's largest integrated invasive animal research program.
PestSmart Toolkit: The PestSmart Toolkit provides information and guidance on best-practice invasive animal management.
PestSmart on YouTube: The PestSmart YouTube channel contains clips of practical instructions on a range of pest animal control methods, new products and monitoring techniques.