Invasive Mammals

​​​​Once an invasive species has entered Tasmania it can be difficult and expensive to eradicate. If left too long, and animals or weeds are allowed to spread, eradication may not be feasible but continued control measures can help limit impacts.

Early detection allows a rapid response to invasive threats. You can help keep invasive species out of Tasmania by being on the lookout for the animals below:

In this topic

  • European Rabbits
    Rabbits compete with native species for food and shelter, as well as changing native plant community composition and degrading land. They are recognised as Australia's most widespread and destructive environmental and agricultural pest.
  • European Red Foxes
    The European red fox has had a devastating impact on Australia's biodiversity and agriculture since their deliberate introduction for recreational hunting in the 1800s.
  • Feral Cats
    Feral cats are exceptional hunters and pose a significant threat to the survival of many native species including small mammals, birds and reptiles.
  • Feral Goats
    Feral goats invade bush and browse a wide variety of native plants including blackwood, drooping she-oak, native cherry, coffee berry, round-leaf riceflower, rough dogwood and forest germander.
  • Feral Pigs
    Crops damaged by feral pigs include cereals, grain legumes, sugar cane, orchard and forestry plantings, and pasture. Physical damage to fencing and water supplies occurs, as well as increases soil erosion and reduced water quality.
  • Ferrets
    If ferrets were to become established in Tasmania they could pose a threat to many threatened species through predation and competition; for example the New Holland Mouse, Eastern Barred Bandicoot, Tasmanian Devil and Spotted-tail Quoll.
  • Wild Dogs
    Wild dogs can be defined as any dogs not relying on human assistance for shelter or food. May sometimes also be called 'feral dogs'.