Making an Objection to an Application for a Multiple Cat Permit

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A person who resides on, or owns, land within 200m of the boundary of a property to which an application for a Multiple Cat Permit relates, may submit an objection to the issuing authority ​within 14 days of the Notice of Intention being published.

Applications that are within the 14 day objection period are listed below.

To submit an objection, complete the online form - Objection to an Application for a Multiple Cat Permit

Ensure all fields are completed in full, and give clear reasons as to why you object to a Multiple Cat Permit being issued for that property.​​

Any personal information submitted is covered by the NRE Tas privacy policy.

Information contained in an objection will be kept confidential and used by the Secretary NRE Tas when assessing an application for a Multiple Cat Permit under the Cat Management Act 2009

​Current Multi​​ple Cat Permit applications​​

​​Multiple cat perm​it reference numbe​r


​​Advertisement date​​

*no current applications



Invasive Species Branch