The public was invited to have their say on the proposed declaration of the Digitalis species (foxgloves) as a weed.
The declaration will:
include all foxglove species, with the exemption of sterile varieties and hybrids
prevent sale and trade of all non-sterile foxgloves
require control of foxglove in designated areas, including areas within and around state reserves and the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area
The declaration will not affect those with existing foxglove species in gardens outside of the designated areas.
Before making a submission please read the Statement of Intent, Weed Risk Assessment, and Weed Management Biosecurity Program which provide information and background for the declaration:
An interactive map showing the designated areas for the management of Digitalis infestations is also available. These are mostly focused around high conservation value areas like the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area:
Public Consultation
Written submissions in relation to the proposed declaration are now closed.
Any further questions regarding the proposed declaration should be directed to (Karen Stewart), Invasive Species Branch, Biosecurity Tasmania, NRE Tas on (03) 616 54399 or emailed to