The Tasmanian government is investing $5 million dollars, over 5 years, alongside farmers and community groups to tackle serious weeds that impact valuable agricultural land and our natural environment.
NRM North is delivering the Weeds Action Fund grant program.
Visit the NRM North website for more information on the program, and how to apply.
Latest News
Successful projects announced
Eleven projects were successful in receiving funds under the recent Targeted Small Grants Round (totalling $347,906).
Targeted Grants Round June 2023 (PDF 86Kb)
Funded projects from past rounds
Stage 2 Small Grants: Twenty-six projects (out of 63) were successful in receiving funds in Stage 2 (total of $200,000) (February 2021). The list of Stage 2 Projects can be downloaded below:
A Drought and Weed Management Program is providing funding to five local government areas that experienced prolonged drought; funding will directly support drought-affected farmers within their municipalities to manage weeds. The councils include: Break O’Day, Glamorgan Spring Bay, Sorell, Tasman and Southern Midlands.
Stage 1 - successful applicants: Thirty-four projects (out of 75) were successful in receiving funds in Stage 1 (total of $142,000) (November 2019). The list of Stage 1 Projects can be downloaded below:
Biosecurity Tasmania has developed an interactive mapping application that you can use to look at the status of individual weed species at the property level or across multiple properties to help in planning projects. Access the WAF Mapping Application, hosted on ArcGIS Online, by clicking here or on the map below.
Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund Interactive Map - click on the map to open the WAF mapping application
The data presented in the map are weed observations from the Natural Values Atlas of Tasmania, and the legislative zones of each weed, in each Local Government Area under the Weed Management Act 1999.
You can use the map to look at the spread of records for a weed species that you think could be included in a WAF project.
The maps will help you answer:
What is the level of priority of this species in my Local Government Area?
Does it make sense for me to deal with this species on my own, or is it important that I work with my neighbours in tackling the problem?
Is there another, more pressing, weed species that I should be dealing with first.
WAF Mapping Application Video Tutorials
We’ve made it as easy as possible to use, and here are two short video tutorials to get you started:
Weeds Action Fund Mapping Application - Tutorial 1
Weeds Action Fund Mapping Application - Tutorial 2
Interpreting Natural Values Atlas (NVA) Observation Data
Natural Values Atlas (NVA) records are a collection of observations of a species, and as with all such observation data, there are limitations; they do not give a definitive map of the species’ distributions or abundances. The limitations are described below.
What sorts of errors may be present in the data:
There may be some inaccurate records (misidentification, or location error),
There be some, or many, ‘missing’ records (if no surveys have been conducted, or no weed data recorded for the area)
Some records may be historical (ie., in the case of weeds, control action was taken after the weed was found, and it is no longer present, but the NVA record will remain in perpetuity).
The Natural Values Atlas have prodcued a Newsletter where the best way to interpret the data is explained:
Adding new records to the NVA
All new natural values observers are welcome. Go to
the NVA webpage to register as a user and find out how to submit records.
Alternatively, send the helpful NVA team an email:
 Feathertop grass - Botanical drawing by Dennis Morris
 Horehound - Botanical drawing by Dennis Morris
Bathurst burr - Botanical drawing by Dennis Morris