Coastal Weeds of Tasmania


The Coastal Weeds of Tasmania booklet contains descriptions and management recommendations for 50 environmental weeds and has a list of alternative Tasmanian native coastal plants for use in garden plantings. Includes colour photographs for each weed.

This booklet is a collaborative publication of the Australian Plant Society, Coastcare and the DPIPWE and was funded by the Natural Heritage Trust and Nokia​

Environmental Weeds - Where do they come from?

Environmental Weeds can come from all over the world. They can even be Australian native plants outside their natural range. These out-of-place natives can be as devastating as foreign plants. Environmental weeds can out-compete natives and reduce biodiversity.​

In the last 30 years at least 35% of all plants that have become weeds in Tasmania were deliberately introduced as garden plants!
Environmental weeds, spread by wind, birds or dumped garden waste, can take over natural coastal and bush areas. Weeds can also be spread by boots, vehicles, contaminated soil, mud, gravel, agricultural produce, stock and feed.

Coastal Weeds of Tasmania booklet (827 KB)

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