Weed Links and Resources

​​​​​APVMA Environmental Weeds Off-Label Permit PER84775

Permit to allow minor use of an AgVet chemical product for the control of environmental weeds in non-crop and bushland situations in Tasmania.


The following publications contain a variety of weed-related information:

Tasmanian Weed Handbook

A guide to the identification of the main weeds of crops and pastures in Tasmania.

  Tasmanian Weed Handbook  (31Mb)

Guidelines for Safe and Effective Herbicide Use Near Waterways

This guideline provides information on which herbicides should not be used and those that are appropriate to use in the vicinity of waterways and wetlands.

Coastal Weeds of Tasmania - A Guide to Coastal and Environmental Weeds of Tasmania

Booklet that defines and describes the problem created by environment weeds and how we can conduct our gardening activities in a bush friendly manner. 50 environmental weeds are illustrated and described.

  Coastal Weeds of Tasmania booklet   (847Kb)

Tasmanian Beach Weeds Strategy

This publication contains strategies for identifying and managing five Tasmanian beach weeds, namely, marram grass (Ammophila arenaria), sea spurge (Euphorbia paralias), sea wheatgrass (Thinopyrum junceiforme), pyp grass (Ehrharta villosa) and beach daisy (Arctotheca populifolia).

 Tasmanian Beach Weed Strategy (PDF 823Kb)

Weed and Disease Planning and Hygiene Guidelines

Weed and Disease Planning and Hygiene Guidelines provide reference resource for those organisations, groups and individuals undertaking weed management planning or have a requirement to ensure they have appropriate hygiene controls in place to prevent the accidental spread of weeds or diseases. 

  Weed Management and Hygiene Guidelines   (7Mb)​

Keeping it clean - A Tasmanian field hygiene manual to prevent the spread of freshwater pests and pathogens

This manual provides information on how to prevent the spread of freshwater pests and pathogens in Tasmanian waterways, wetlands, swamps and boggy areas. It is intended primarily for people who work in these areas, but also will help recreational visitors to understand the risks and act accordingly.

  Keeping it clean - A Tasmanian field hygiene manual to prevent the spread of freshwater pests and pathogens   (5Mb)

Auld, BA & Medd, RW (1987)
Weeds - An Illustrated Botanical Guide to the Weeds of Australia
Inkata Press, Melbourne

Blood, K (2001)
Environmental Weeds: A Field Guide for SE Australia
CH Jerram & Assoc and CRC for Weed Management Systems

Bradley, J (1988)
Bringing Back the Bush: the Bradley Method of Bush Regeneration
Landsdowne Press, Sydney

Buchanan, RA (1989)
Bush Regeneration: Recovering Australian Landscapes
TAFE, Sydney

Cameron, M (Ed) (1996)
A Guide to Flowers and Plants of Tasmania
Launceston Field Naturalists Club. Reed Books, Australia

Curtis, WM (various dates see below)
The Student's Flora of Tasmania
Part 1 (1975) 2nd edition, Part 2 (1963), Part 3 (1967), Part 4a (1979) and 4b (1994)
Tasmanian Government Printer, Hobart

Ermet, S (1999)
Gardener's Companion to Weeds
Landsdowne Publishing, NSW

Goninon, C (2000)
Weeding Roadsides - A Guide to Effective Weed Management on Roadsides
Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, Tasmania

Groves, RH; Shepherd, RCH & Richardson, RG (1995)
The Biology of Australian Weeds - Volume 1
RG and FJ Richardson, Melbourne

Hussey, BMJ; Keighery, GJ; Cousens, RD; Dodd, J & Lloyd, SG (1997)
Western Weeds - A Guide to the Weeds of Western Australia
Plant Protection Society of Western Australia and The Gordon Reid Foundation for Conservation

Kirkpatrick, JB (Ed) (1991)
Tasmanian Native Bush - A Management Handbook
Tasmanian Environment Centre Inc, Hobart

Knox, J (Ed) (1999)
The Glove Box Guide to Grass and Legume Identification in Tasmanian Pastures
Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, Tasmania

Lamp, C & Collet, F (1989) (3rd Edition)
Field Guide to Weeds in Australia
Inkata Press, Melbourne

Lane, P; Morris, D & Shannon, G (1999)
Common Grasses of Tasmania - An Agriculturalists' Guide
Tasmanian Environment Centre Inc, Hobart

Moerkerk, MR & Barnett, AG (1998)
More Crop Weeds
RG and FJ Richardson, Melbourne

Muyt, A (2001)
Bush Invaders of South-East Australia: A Guide to the Identification and Control of Environmental Weeds found in South-East Australia
RG and FJ Richardson, Melbourne

Panetta, FD; Groves, RH & Shepherd, RCH (1998)
The Biology of Australian Weeds - Volume 2
RG and FJ Richardson, Melbourne

Parsons, WT & Cuthbertson, EG (1992)
Noxious Weeds of Australia
Inkata Press, Melbourne

Sainty, GR & Jacobs, SWL (1994) (3rd Edition)
Waterplants in Australia - A Field Guide
Sainty and Associates, Darlinghurst, NSW

Sindel, BM (Ed) (2000)
Australian Weed Management Systems
RG and FJ Richardson, Melbourne

Wilding, JL; Barnett, AG & Amor, RL (1998) (revised edition)
Crop Weeds
RG and FJ Richardson, Melbourne


The following links may prove useful to the serious weeds enquirer. They contain information about weeds and related issues:

Dennis Morris Weeds Database

Dennis Morris (1924-2005) was the Weed Officer with the Dept of Agriculture from 1961 to 1985, and an honorary member of the Tasmanian Herbarium for more than 30 years. He authored and illustrated handbooks and other publications on the topic of Tasmanian weeds. This is a database of his illustrations compiled from original drawings held by the agency.

Weeds Australia

Home of the National Weed Strategy Executive Committee

This site has been created by the National Weeds Strategy Executive Committee to promote access to key weed policies, regulations, current issues, national initiatives, research, extension, training and personnel. A valuable and useful addition to this site has been a database of all declared weeds in Australia searchable by weed name and State.

Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority

The APVMA operates the Australian system which evaluates, registers and regulates agricultural and veterinary chemicals. Before an agricultural or veterinary chemical product can enter the Australian market, it must go through the APVMA's rigorous assessment process to ensure that it meets high standards of safety and effectiveness. This site documents information about the registration status of herbicides, current herbicide reviews, and extensive information about the registration of herbicides.

Grow Me Instead

Grow Me Instead (GMI) is an initiative of the Nursery and Garden Industry Australia (NGIA) promoting a positive change in the attitude of both industry and consumers toward invasive plants. The website suggest superior non-invasive alternatives to invasive plants common in Tasmania.

Australian National Botanic Gardens

Contains extensive information, databases and images on plants (including weeds), botany and horticulture.

Tasmanian Herbarium

The Tasmanian Herbarium forms a part of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. This site provides information about the Tasmanian Herbarium and accesses the Tasmanian Vascular Plant Census, a database of vascular plants (including weeds) recorded from Tasmania.

TasFarmers (formerly Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA))

The TasFarmers is the peak farmer representative organisation in Tasmania.

University of Florida, Centre for Aquatic and Invasive Plants

​The Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System contains excellent aquatic plant information and images.