Alligator Weed

​​​Scientific name: Alternanthera philoxeroides
​​Alternanthera philoxeroides - flowers and leaves

Status of alligator weed in Tasmania

  • Alligator weed is a declared weed in Tasmania under the Tasmanian Biosecurity Act 2019 ​and associated Regulations. The importation, sale and distribution of alligator weed are prohibited in Tasmania.

  • The legal responsibilities of landholders and other stakeholders in dealing with alligator weed are laid out in the alligator weed Statutory Weed Manage​men​​t Plan.​

     Alligator Weed - Weed Management Plan (PDF 222Kb)

  • Alligator weed is also a Weed of Nat​ional Significance (WONS)​.

What does alligator weed look like?

  • Alligator weed is a perennial (long-lived) aquatic herb that forms dense mats. 

  • Alligator weed can grow on land subject to flooding, in shallow water (rooted to the substrate), and as free-floating mats. 

  • The plant has hairless surface stems that root at the nodes, and underground stems (rhizomes) that produce roots and shoots. 

  • The shiny dark green leaves are opposite up the stem. 

  • The flower heads are white, cylindrical to globe-shaped and papery to the touch, and borne on stalks to 9 cm long that arise from the leaf-stem junction.

  • No viable seed is produced in Australia and spread is entirely by fragments of stem and rhizome which can regenerate into new plants. 

  • Dispersal occurs by fragmentation of mats or individual plants and by human commercial and recreational activity such as boating and excavation of sand, soil or turf. 

  • Fragments will also be dispersed in flooding events. Alligator weed is also sold occasionally.​

Close up of Alligator weed flowerAlligator weed infestation 

​Impacts of alligator weed

  • ​The thick mats formed by alligator weed give it the ability to cause major environmental damage in natural aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats. 

  • The plant can exclude light, impede gas exchange and compete with native flora and fauna. 

  • Alligator weed infestations in irrigation channels and wetter pastures are a significant threat to agriculture, aquaculture and horticulture.

  • The plant also affects and seriously limits recreational and boating activities, increases silting and contributes to flooding.

Where alligator weed occurs

Alligator weed is a native of South America. Alligator weed has naturalised widely on mainland Australia.

​Alligator weed has not naturalised in Tasmania. However, the weed has been recorded in domestic gardens in both the north and south of the state.

​What you need to do

​​If you locate alligator weed anywhere in Tasmania, or if you find a plant that you think could be alligator weed, immediately contact Biosecurity Tasmania on 03 6165 3777 to report this weed.​

​More information​

 Alligator Weed - Weed Management Plan (PDF 222Kb)

Weed Links and Res​ources

​​Weeds of National Significance - Alligator Weed Management plan

Pest Genie



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