(Cabomba caroliniana)

Status of cabomba in Tasmania
Cabomba is a
declared weed in Tasmania under the Tasmanian Biosecurity Act 2019 and associated Regulations.
The importation, sale and distribution of cabomba are prohibited in Tasmania.
The legal responsibilities of landholders and other stakeholders in dealing with cabomba are laid out in the
Cabomba Statutory Weed Management Plan:
Fanwort (Cabomba) Statutory Weed Management Plan (PDF 184Kb)
What does cabomba look like?
Cabomba is a mostly submersed aquatic perennial herb usually rooted in bottom mud but which can survive free-floating in deep water.
The stems are slender, much branched from near the base, and covered with a thin jelly-like coating.
The leaves are of two types. The submerged leaves are opposite or arranged in whorls and finely dissected to form a fan shape. The floating leaves are few, narrow and around 2 cm long.
The flowers are white or cream, often with a pink tinge at the tip and two yellow spots at the base of each petal.
The flowers float on the water surface.
Spread is by stem fragments and possibly by seed. Cabomba is a popular aquarium plant, and has been spread as discarded aquarium plants.
Image top right: Cabomba stems and leaves, photo: Graves-LovellImage above: Cabomba flower, photo: Troy Evans
Impacts of cabomba
Cabomba is a weed of irrigation channels and ditches.
Where does cabomba occur?
Cabomba is a native of North America. On mainland Australia, fanwort has naturalised in New South Wales and Queensland.
Cabomba has not naturalised in Tasmania. However, the plant has been recorded in aquaria in the state.
What you need to do
More information
Fanwort (Cabomba) Statutory Weed Management Plan (PDF 184Kb)
Weed Links and Resources
Pest Genie
Weeds in Australia - Weed Management Guide for Cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana) (PDF 445Kb)
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