Herbicides for Gorse Control

Gorse shrub in flower 


These herbicide recommendations are made subject to the product being registered for that purpose under relevant legislation. It is the user's responsibility to check that registration or an off-label permit covers the proposed use. Always read the herbicide label.

If in doubt, check with the Registrar of Chemical Products - 1300 368 550 (local call cost in Tasmania).

Wetting agents

Most herbicides require a wetting agent for best results. Carefully consult the product label for specific directions regarding any adjuvants.

Waterways and wetlands

Be careful! Many herbicides can cause damage to waterways and wetlands. Check the herbicide label directions carefully before use near waterways and wetlands. For more information see Guidelines for Safe and Effective Herbicide Use Near Waterways.

Herbicide brands

Herbicides are referred to by the active chemical ingredient in the following tables. Information on available brands containing the herbicide you require should be obtained from a reputable herbicide supplier.

Foliar (leaf) application

(active ingredient)
Commercial products
(concentration of active ingredient)
Rate of commercial product per litre of water
**Picloram + Aminopyralid
Grazon Extra (300 g/L + 100 g/L + 8g/L)

2.5 ml (bushes
1-1.5 m tall)

3.5 ml (bushes
> 1.5 m tall)

5 ml
Use in spring to early summer treatments only: add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant at 1ml per litre of water for best results.

Autumn Treatment: add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant at 1ml per litre of water for best results.

Winter treatment only: Brownout may not be complete until summer. Add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant at 1ml per litre of water for best results.

**Picloram is soil-residual, hindering the re-establishment of clovers and other broadleaved plants for up to twelve months.

In dense stands, access paths should be cleared to allow complete coverage.

Regrowth needs to be around 50 - 100 cm high before follow-up treatment.

Does not affect grasses, will damage clovers and other broadleaved plants including surrounding trees.
Triclopyr + **PicloramGrass-up™
(300g/L + 100g/L)
2.5 ml (bushes
1-1.5 m tall)

3.5 ml (bushes > 1.5 m tall)

5 ml
Use in spring to early summer treatments only: add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant at 1ml per litre of water for best results.

Autumn Treatment: add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant at 1ml per litre of water for best results.

Winter treatment only: Brownout may not be complete until summer. Add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant at 1ml per litre of water for best results.

**Picloram is soil-residual, hindering the re-establishment of clovers and other broadleaved plants for up to twelve months.

In dense stands, access paths should be cleared to allow complete coverage.

Regrowth needs to be around 50 - 100 cm high before follow-up treatment.

Does not affect grasses, will damage clovers and other broadleaved plants including surrounding trees.
TriclopyrGarlon 600
(600 g/L)
1.7 ml - 3.4 mlnilApply from spring to mid-summer.

Does not affect grasses, will damage clovers and other broadleaved plants including surrounding trees.

Use the higher rate on older plants.

Preferred to triclopyr + **picloram mixture in urban or horticultural areas, and near waterways/wetlands.
(600 g/Kg)
0.1 - 0.15 gnilAPVMA Off-Label permit - PER84775.

Suitable for bushes up to 2 m tall.

Does not affect grasses, will damage clovers and other broadleaved plants including surrounding trees.

Metsulfuron-methyl is soil-residual, hindering the re-establishment of clovers and other broadleaved plants for up to twelve months.
GlyphosateRoundup Biactive
(360 g/L)

Glyphosate 360
(360 g/L)
10 - 15 ml1 dayApply all year round but only if actively growing.

Non-selective and will affect grasses, clovers and most broadleaf plants.
Ammonium thiocyanateAmitrole T®
(220 g/L)
20 mlOrchards and vines - 56 days

Other areas - nil
Apply during summer or before full flowering.

Non-selective and will affect grasses, clovers and most broadleaf plants.

Use in restricted spraying areas.

Apply to bushes up to 2 m tall.

Respraying will be necessary.
(835 g/L + 10 g/L)
1.7 gnilActively growing (except spring).

Use in restricted spraying areas. Use surfactant as directed by label.
**Note: picloram remains active in soil for extended periods and may leach into groundwater.

Cut-stump application

(active ingredient)
Commercial products
(concentration of active ingredient)
Rate of commercial product per litre of water
Withholding period for use in pasture
GlyphosateRoundup Biactive
(360 g/L)

Glyphosate 360
(360 g/L)
1 litre
Use when plants are actively growing.

Apply immediately (within 15 seconds) after top growth removal.
*TriclopyrGarlon 600
(600 g/L)
1:60 in diesel
For cut-stump treatment.

Apply immediately (within 15 seconds) after top growth removal; (APVMA Off-Label permit - PER84775).
**PicloramVigilant® Herbicide Gel
43 g/kg
3 - 5 mm thick layer

5 mm
Stems up 20 mm diameter.

Stems greater than 20 mm diameter.

In the case of multi-stem plants treat at least 80% of stems including main stems.
**Note: picloram remains active in soil for extended periods and may leach into groundwater.

*These products are not registered for this application method in Tasmania and will not be mentioned on product labels, however Permit Number – PER84775 issued by the Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority has been issued for this specific use. If using this method and herbicide you will require a copy of this off-label permit.

For further information on permit details visit the APVMA website at www.apvma.gov.au.

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    To the extent permitted by law, the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (including its employees and consultants) excludes all liability to any person for any consequences, including but not limited to all losses, damages, costs, expenses and any other compensation, arising directly or indirectly from using information or material (in part or in whole) contained on this website.