Herbicides for Horehound Control

Flowering Horehound  


These herbicide recommendations are made subject to the product being registered for that purpose under relevant legislation. It is the user's responsibility to check that registration or an off-label permit covers the proposed use. Always read the herbicide label.

If in doubt, visit the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) website at www.apvma.gov.au.

Only herbicides registered for use in pasture and / or non-cropping situations are listed in the following table. For recommendations in specific crops consult an agronomist.

Care must be taken in using herbicides as non-target plants contacted may be harmed.

Wetting agents

Carefully consult the product label for specific directions regarding the use of wetting agents or adjuvants.

Waterways and wetlands

Be careful! Many herbicides can cause damage to waterways and wetlands. Check the herbicide label directions carefully before use near waterways and wetlands. For more information see Guidelines for Safe and Effective Herbicide Use Near Waterways.

Herbicide brands and concentrations

Herbicides are referred to by the active chemical ingredient in the following table. The product trade names in this publication are supplied on the understanding that no preference between equivalent products is intended and that the inclusion of a product does not imply endorsement by DPIPWE over any other equivalent product from another manufacturer. Information on available brands containing the herbicide you require should be obtained from a reputable herbicide supplier or the APVMA website at www.apvma.gov.au.

There may be a number of products with the same active ingredient but with alternate formulations (concentration) registered for control of a weed eg: Glyphosate 360 g/L, Glyphosate 450 g/L may be registered for use on the same weed. Alternate formulations such as these will have a different application rate. Always check the label.

Agricultural non-crop, commercial and / or industrial areas

Stage of weed growth
ingredient & concentration)
Example of commercial product
Application rate of commercial product
Young, mature plantsDicamba (500 g/L)Kamba 500Per ha 1.2 L/ha7 daysUse a minimum of 1500 L/ha water carrier.
Add Surfactant, (refer label).
High vol. spray
80 ml/100 L water
Knapsack 18 ml/15 L
(600 g/L)
Triclopyr 600
General rate
170 ml/100 L water
Apply as a thorough foliar spray.
Do not allow spray drift onto susceptible crops.
Affects clover.
Slow acting, can take up to 3 months to show any effect.
(500 g/L)
Diuron (400g/L)
Kromac®*Initial control
9 - 16.5 kg/ha
Industrial areas only: i.e., non-agricultural areas such as railways, pipelines, petroleum storage depots, timber yards, storage areas, industrial plant sites, fence lines, road sites, bridge abutments and power lines.

Use lower rates in low or seasonal rainfall areas to control seedlings.
For control of hard-to-kill, deep rooted perennials at least 100 mm of rainfall is usually required during growth period.
4.5 - 6.5 kg/ha
Apply when weeds reappear on sites where initial weed growth had previously been controlled.
Pre- floweringTriclopyr
(300 g/L), **Picloram (100 g/L)
Grass-up™, Conqueror®**350 L per 100 L water Apply as a thorough foliar spray.
(300 g/L),
**Picloram (100 g/L),
Aminopyralid (8 g/L)
Grazon™ Extra**350 ml per 100 L waterApply as a thorough foliar spray.
**Note: Picloram remains active in the soil for extended periods and may leach into groundwater.

Pasture containing legume

Stage of weed growth
ingredient & concentration)
Example of commercial product
Application rate of commercial product
Up to 2 leaf stageMCPA
(250 g/L)
(25 g/L)
Nugrex, Tigrex®1.0 L/Ha7 daysWeed suppression in newly sown and established clover based pasture.
Optimum results will be obtained if good soil moisture exists at and after application.
Seedling2,4-D ester (600 g/L)LV Estericide® 600460-900 ml/Ha7 daysClover must be well covered by the grass or extensive damage may result.

This product may only be used from 15 May to 15 September unless permitted by the Registrar of Chemical Products, DPIPWE.

Non-legume pasture

Stage of weed growth
ingredient & concentration)
Example of commercial product
Application rate of commercial product
Seedling plantsDicamba
(500 g/L)
Kamba 500Per ha
280-560 ml/ha
7 daysWhen applying by boom spray use 110 to 280 litres of mixture per hectare.
High vol. spray
40 ml /100 L water
knapsack 10 ml/15 L
Young, mature plantsDicamba
(500 g/L)
Kamba 500Per ha
560ml -1.1 L/ha
7 daysWhen applying by boom spray use 110 to 280 litres of mixture per hectare.
High vol. spray
76 ml /100 L water
knapsack 18mL/15L
2,4-D ester
(600 g/L)
LV Estericide® 6001.9 -3.7 L/ha7 daysThis product may only be used from 15 May to 15 September unless permitted by the Registrar of Chemical Products, DPIPWE.
(340 g/L)
(80 g/L)
Kamba MPer ha
4-7 L/ha
7 daysUse higher rates on larger weeds.

When necessary a second treatment may be made after 4 weeks.
High vol. spray
470 ml/100 L water
knapsack 100 ml/15 L
(300 g/L),
**Picloram (100 g/L)
Grass-up™, Conqueror®**350 L per 100 L waterNil Apply as a thorough foliar spray.
Pre- floweringTriclopyr
(300 g/L),
**Picloram (100 g/L),
Aminopyralid (8 g/L)
Grazon™ Extra**350 ml per 100 L waterApply as a thorough foliar spray.
**Note: Picloram remains active in the soil for extended periods and may leach into groundwater.

Non-cropping and bushland

Stage of Growth
ingredient & concentration)
Example of commercial product
Application rate of commercial product
Actively growing to mature*Glyphosate
(360 g/L) where product has an aquatic registration
Weedmaster® Duo
Roundup Biactive®
10-13 ml per litre water
In accordance with APVMA Permit PER84775
Spot spraying / knapsack.
Add surfactant/ wetting agent in accordance with product label.
(600 g/Kg)
Associate® / Ken-Met 600/ Brush-off®5 -10 g in 100 L water
In accordance with APVMA Permit PER84775
Spot spraying / knapsack.
Add surfactant/ wetting agent in accordance with product label.
Weeds 6 - 8 weeks old*MCPA
(500 g/L)
MCPA 500 L20 - 50 ml/10 L7-10 daysIn accordance with APVMA Permit PER84775
Spot spraying / knapsack/ wick wipe.
*These products are not registered for this application method in Tasmania and will not be mentioned on product labels, however Permit Number - PER84775 issued by the Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority has been issued for this specific use. If using this method and herbicide you will require a copy of this off-label permit.

For further information on permit details visit the APVMA website at www.apvma.gov.au.

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    To the extent permitted by law, the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (including its employees and consultants) excludes all liability to any person for any consequences, including but not limited to all losses, damages, costs, expenses and any other compensation, arising directly or indirectly from using information or material (in part or in whole) contained on this website.