(Urospermum dalechampii)
What is Mediterranean daisy?
- Mediterranean daisy is a weed of native grasslands.
- Mediterranean daisy is a
declared weed in Tasmania under the Tasmanian Biosecurity Act 2019 and associated Regulations. The importation, sale and distribution of Mediterranean daisy are prohibited in Tasmania.
How to identify Mediterranean daisy
- Mediterranean daisy is a perennial (long-lived) herb growing to 60 cm. It is very similar to the common dandelion. The older leaves towards the base of the plant have lobes directed backwards, while the younger leaves clasp the higher parts of the stem and are elongated oval in shape and widest below their middle. Both the leaves and stems are covered by fine hairs, and have a grey-green appearance.
- Mediterranean daisy usually flowers in spring, but may flower over longer periods in some years. The flowers are a pale yellow and about 4.5 cm across (larger than a dandelion flower), and the petals have blunt dark tips that are divided into four or five teeth. The flowers produce a dandelion-like fluffy seed head.
Image top: Mediterranean daisy flowers.
Images top row, L-R: Mediterranean daisy flower heads and leaves.
Images bottom row, L-R: Mediterranean daisy seed heads and clump of flowers.
Mediterranean daisy in Tasmania
- Mediterranean daisy occurs in Tasmania's south, with the largest infestations occurring in the Hobart and Clarence municipalities. Mediterranean daisy appears to be spreading rapidly, especially on drier sites that have been disturbed.
- Mediterranean daisy is only known as a serious weed in Tasmania where it competes with native grassland species. As well as growing from seed, it re-sprouts each year from the rootstock. Re-spouting occurs in autumn after a period of summer dormancy.
What is the legal status of Mediterranean daisy in your area?
What you need to do
If you locate Mediterranean daisy anywhere in Tasmania, or if you find a plant that you think could be Mediterranean daisy, immediately contact Biosecurity Tasmania on 03 6165 3777 to report this weed.
Detailed management and control guidelines for Mediterranean daisy can be found in the
Mediterranean Daisy Control Guide. Refer also to
Herbicides for Mediterranean Daisy Control. For further information see Weed Links and Resources.See also
Herbicides for Mediterranean Daisy Control
Statutory Management Plan for Mediterranean Daisy
Weed Links and Resources
Other useful links
Pest Genie
Mediterranean Daisy Control Guide
Spread of Mediterranean daisy
Mediterranean daisy spreads by seed. The light seeds can be blown many kilometers in the wind.
Seed can also be spread in contaminated soil on machinery and vehicles.
- Colonies of Mediterranean daisy can also spread in area without seed via new shoots forming from lateral roots.
Physical removal
- Individual plants can be dug out, but great care must be taken to remove all of the root system.
- Physical removal may reduce the numbers of Mediterranean daisy but is not sufficient to eradicate an infestation from an area.
- Do not use fire to control Mediterranean daisy as burning seems to promote the weed by removing competition and stimulating re-sprouting from the rootstock
Chemical control
- Under an off-label permit issued by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), there are herbicides registered for the control of Mediterranean daisy in Tasmania. See
Herbicides for Mediterranean Daisy Control for more information.
Herbicides for Mediterranean Daisy Control