Aerial Photography

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Tasmanian Government has a substantial library of scanned aerial photos, digital imagery and other remotely sensed data covering the state. Dating back to the mid 1940s for many parts of the state, the photography is a valuable resource for both government and private users. Recently acquired remotely sensed LiDAR elevation data is also available to users.

Follow the links for more information:

  • Tasmanian Imagery Program
    This program has been established to coordinate the acquisition and distribution of remotely sensed data within Tasmania. The program also includes the development of a sustainable strategy for the ongoing acquisition and delivery of remotely sensed data for Tasmania and a centralised repository for the data.

  • Accessing and Obtaining Aerial Photography
    The Aerial Photo Viewer allows anyone to search the historical aerial photographs database to identify aerial photographs covering their area of interest. The viewer includes a view quick preview of images, photo information and link to download high resolution images.
  • Supplying Remotely Sensed Data (RSD) to Land Tasmania
    Land Tasmania utilises a Multi-Use List system for procurement of remote sensing services. Businesses wishing to supply to the government through Land Tasmania will need to apply to be a member of the list of preferred suppliers.
  • Historic Photography
    In 1945 the Tasmanian Government commissioned a program of aerial photography for the entire state. The task of photographing Tasmania has continued through to the present day with this department holding a substantial library of the photography in both print and film form that has been scanned at high resolution.
  • Aerial Camera Data
    Camera data is required for some tasks associated with geo-referencing aerial photographs and data capture.
  • Elevation Data
    Elevation data for Tasmania has been captured in recent years by LiDAR remote sensing methods. Agreements with other organisations have enabled consolidation of the elevation data capture projects and data is available through the ICSM ELVIS​ site.

Useful Links

Geoscience Australia

Aerial photograph of Table Cape


Aerial Imagery

Program Leader - Topographic Data,
Land Tasmania,
Mobile: 0439 583 384