Datum Modernisation

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This page provides information about changes to the system that underlies Australia’s location information.

 On the 15th of December 2017 Geoscience Australia and the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping​ (ICSM) officially launched the GDA2020 datum, making it available to replace GDA94.

GDA2020​ is the first in a series of new ​​datu​ms, reference frames, working surfaces and models​ that are being provided to support Australia's positioning and mapping requirements in the 21st century.

​Moving from GDA94 to GDA2020 in Tasmania

Changing from using GDA94 to GDA2020 coordinates on spatial datasets is being implemented individually in each jurisdiction with national coordination promoted by ANZLIC and facilitated by ICSM. ​ 

​In March 2020 Land Tasmania released an implementation policy​ which describes how Land Tasmania intends to manage GDA94, GDA2020 and web mapping during the first stage of datum modernisation. ​

 ​National informatio​​n and resources on Datum Modernisation​

The ICSM website has​ the late​st information and resources on Australia's spatial reference system and its ongoing upgrades.​ 

Comprehensive explanatory information about GDA94​ and the new GDA2020 and ATRF2014, including how to move between them​, is available from the ​​Australian Geospatial Reference System ​​pages whilst a general overview of maps, mapping and datums and reference frames is available from the ICSM fundamentals of mapping section. ​​

​ICSM and Geoscience Australia web pages also deliver a range of technical ​​​tools and resources of national application including :


Location Services

134 Macquarie Street,
Hobart, TAS, 7000.