Cadastral Survey Standards

​​​The quality of cadastral surveys in Tasmania is ensured through: 

  • established land survey audit and investigation programs
  • the administration and review of the Surveyors Act 2002 and the Survey Directions

In this topic

  • Presentations by OSG staff
    Staff from the Office of Surveyor-General regularily speak at spatial industry professional development events, TLSAB candidate training workshops and deliver land survey lesson content for education institutions.
  • Cadastral Standards Background Information
    An overview of the history and purpose of land ownership and the definition of property boundaries in Tasmania. These resources are useful for surveyors in determining the status of land and the reinstatement of boundaries.
  • Cadastral Standards Historical Information
    Articles of historical and professional interest on cadastral boundary surveying in Tasmania from colonial days through to the early 20th Century.
  • Current Survey Policy and Practice
    Useful information on survey policy and practice.


Office of the Surveyor General

134 Macquarie Street,
HOBART, TAS, 7000.