Policy for the Audit of Surveys of Land

​Any survey of land that has been certified by a registered land surveyor and/or lodged with a registering authority may be selected for audit to confirm its compliance with the relevant legislative requirements. Information is also available detailing the procedures for the audit of surveys of land.

Survey audits are carried out under the authority of section 22 of the Surveyors Act 2002 and in accordance with the following policies:


​Surve​​ys will be selected for audit in accordance with the approved Procedures for the Audit of Surveys of Land.


Survey audits may be conducted either prior to or following registration of a survey by a registering authority.


Survey audits may be conducted as part of an annual program of routine audits, or targeted in accordance with the approved Procedures for the Audit of Surveys of Land.


Survey audits will be conducted by appropriately qualified and registered inspecting surveyors, employed within Land Tasmania, and acting under instruction from the Surveyor-General.


The cost of conducting survey audits will be borne by NRE Tas.


Where an audit identifies the need for rectification of a survey or associated documentation, the surveyor responsible for the survey will be responsible for any costs associated with its rectification in accordance with section 24 of the Act.


The surveyor will be advised of an intended audit prior to similar notification being directed to the relevant landowner or occupier.


Survey audits will be conducted in such a manner as to cause minimal inconvenience to the relevant landowner or occupier, and to give the surveyor the opportunity to expedite the process.


Access to land by inspecting surveyors will be in accordance with section 27 of the Act. Landowners or occupiers of adjoining land over which access is required will, where possible, be advised as to the nature and purpose of the survey audit.


If the owner or occupier objects to the conduct of an audit, the Surveyor-General will consider the basis for such objection and may approve the selection of an alternative survey made by the same surveyor.


Survey audits will be conducted in accordance with the approved Procedures for the Audit of Surveys of Land, and will sample and test aspects of the selected survey for compliance with the relevant legislative requirements.


Each survey audit will result in classification of the selected survey into one of the following four classes:

  1. Survey as sampled contains no deficiency that may mislead a registered landowner or compromise the landowner's interests or entitlements, and contains no more than five (5) inadvertent minor errors or omissions.
  2. Survey as sampled contains no deficiency that may mislead a registered landowner or compromise the landowner's interests or entitlements, but contains particularly noteworthy errors or omissions.
  3. Survey as sampled exhibits non-compliance with one or more specific statutory requirements, and/or contains one or more deficiencies with limited potential to mislead a registered landowner or compromise the landowner's interests or entitlements.
  4. Survey as s​ampled​ not completed in accordance with statutory requirements, and contains one or more deficiencies that would mislead a registered landowner or significantly compromise the landowner's interests or entitlements.


Upon completion of a survey audit, the performance record of the surveyor will be updated by incorporating the outcome of the audit of that survey.


Upon receipt of the Surveyor-General's advice as to the audit outcome, the surveyor will be required to rectify any identified errors, omissions or deficiencies, as provided under section 24 of the Act and in accordance with the approved Procedures for the Audit of Surveys of Land.


Where the rectification of a survey requires changes to the boundaries and/or plan of land comprising a folio of the Register, it remains the surveyor's responsibility to advise and assist relevant owner(s) to have the Recorder effect the changes in the Register under the Land Titles Act 1980.


No remedial or investigative survey work will be initiated by the Surveyor General without appropriate prior notice having been provided to the surveyor, and to other interested parties.


While the Office of the Surveyor-General will pursue the correction of any identified deficiencies in accordance with the approved Procedures for the Audit of Surveys of Land, the processes of requisition and any subsequent survey rectification or investigation are not part of the audit process.


The audit of a survey and its subsequent classification in no way limits the statutory responsibility and liability of the surveyor for the adequacy of the survey. The Crown assumes no responsibility or liability for the subject survey. Every audit report will contain a disclaimer to this effect. There will be no endorsement of survey plans or notes as to whether the survey has been subject to audit.


The consequences of two or more consecutive unsatisfactory audit outcomes will be dealt with in accordance with the approved Procedures for the Audit of Surveys of Land.


Program Manager Cadastral Standards

Scott Strong
134 Macquarie Street,
HOBART, TAS, 7000.